Live & Kicking
Live & Kicking
| 02 October 1993 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    I think Live & Kicking was a generation thing. You had to grow up with it, and you had to learn to love the presenters. The best presenters were Zoe Ball and Jamie Theakston, but Andi Peters and Emma Forbes were brilliant as well. Live and Kicking made getting up early on Saturday worth it. The crazy segments and shows were great. Watching your favourite stars mess about and get gunged was fantastic for a four year old. Mr Blobby was always part of the show and seeing him mess around and make the presenters lives hell was hilarious. The segments where Jamie Theakston would show your bedroom or embarrass you for no reasons were the best bits because you always worried that your parents might put you on there.

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    I LOVED L and K. Trev and Simon were hilarious, I especially liked the Men In Trousers! (this pair) and the 'Footore Noos' where the 'U' sound had been banned, my Saturday mornings would consist of The Racoons, The New Adventures of Superman, and then this for three hours. I think Clarissa Explains It All, was first shown on it, I loved the leprechauns, although I lost interest when Jamie and Zoe left. The saying 'We don't rightly know' was also really funny. BRILLIANT!The theme tune was also really good, and I would get really annoyed if I missed it, and who can forget Mitch? The arrival of Mr Blobby could have been a big mistake, it turned out to be genius, Blobby was now a real thing instead of Noel Edmunds in a suit.

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    Jackson Booth-Millard

    When I first saw this Saturday morning show, or rather caught bits of it, I first thought it was some kind of sports programme. Then after a couple of other bits I discovered that it was more for kids than adults because there were obvious things to spot. These kinds of things involved kids TV presenters like that really nice black guy who had a teary quit, two Irish puppets, the Rugrats on, and many other things. To be honest I only watched bits of it when I felt like it. When I saw the teary goodbye from the black guy on Greatest Kids TV Moments, I didn't realise he like his job that much! But anyway, what I saw of this show was not bad. Pretty okay!

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    ross robinson

    I remember when Live and Kicking first started in 1993. Every saturday morning this was on BBC ONE. There was alsorts when this was on, I remember before it's finish there use to have the simpsons on. i think that was on in 2000 or maybe in 1999. I also remember when they advertise the songs that were going to be on the top 40, and the celebs had to use the big hands to say if they think that the record will be a HIT, a MISS, or a MAYBE.

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