Little House on the Prairie
Little House on the Prairie
| 11 September 1974 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Hendry2 Laura!What a pain in the neck. Always causing her family grief over her dog, or her horse, or her raccoon, and on and on.Mary on the other hand was always very practical - until Laura would push Mary to do the wrong thing, like waste the Sunday School money on Dr. Briskin's Homeopathic Remedies (a/k/a colored water with apple cider).Then there was the music box - until she broke it and gave Nellie the chance to blackmail her, and on and on...There's such a thing as headstrong being a good thing, but then there's being a royal pain...Other than that, its one of my favorite shows...

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    I love everything about this show, but really, religious fanaticism ... As if a happy family life can't be attained if one doesn't believe in the stories about Jesus and all that ... As if a sane person can't just organize a happy and meaningful life without following the guidelines prescribed by some book.I love this show in all other respects.

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    Debra Morris

    I am a HUGE fan of Little House on the Prairie, and enjoyed the episodes as a child, and still as an adult. The acting talents on the show is incredible, and extremely rare today!! Michael Landon's talents and portrayal of the wonderful, humane father that he was, was outstanding. Not to mention his directing, writing and being executive producer, as well. Of course, his little 'half-pint,' was nothing less than an adorable little girl, who we saw grow up, who had so much love in her heart, that when she cried, you could feel her pain. Melissa Gilbert too was an incredible actress, as the entire cast was!!!! I've read reviews on the show on various websites, and there were a lot, mostly good!! However, one person said there was too much drama, but I replied, "They were just emphasizing how hard the times were," and did a GREAT job of that!!! Ma and pa were excellent role models, while helping their girls (and Albert), to figure things out for themselves, while teaching their children to respect themselves, and to do the right thing, and not to mention their Christian faith. The show was very believable, since the acting was incredible. Also, the Olson's input brought a lot of comedy to the show, as well as even pa (Michael Landon). Sometimes he was funny if he was upset or disappointed about something. If you have a chance, watch the episode from season 3, "Fred," it's hilarious!! I think what Michael Landon, God rest his soul, brought to the show, and the audience was a huge gift!!! Little House is a feel good show!!

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    "Little House on the Prairie" has become an entertainment staple in my house. My wife began feverishly DVRing the show and trying to catch all the episodes in some semblance of order since running across it on GMC a couple of years back. Along the way, she sucked my sons into the family- oriented drama as well. She loves it so much I actually made a friend of mine drive 40 miles out of the way on a road trip so I could visit and take pictures of the Ingalls' homestead in Kansas for her. "Little House on the Prairie" tells the story of Charles Ingalls and his family as they move to Kansas and then Minnesota to start a new life. They settle down in Minnesota and face many hardships as they build a home for themselves outside of the town of Walnut Grove. As they settle into the challenges of everyday life, they make friends and learn to deal with a colorful group of people who run and live in the the little community.If you're looking for good clean family-friendly entertainment, "Little House on the Prairie" is most definitely the answer to your prayers. It's a show that teaches the importance of family and the strength it provides to weather through the storms life throws at you. Any fan of classic television should clean off a spot in their home library for this new edition of the hit series.

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