Killing Eve
Killing Eve
TV-14 | 08 April 2018 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Men begging for their lives. men brutally murdered. men are stupid and amount to nothing. this series is a feminist wetdream.btw, the assassin isnt psychotic, she is a mary sue

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    Really, anyone else sees the similarities between the messy but highly intelligent agent and the sophisticated and refined serial killer? I loved and enjoyed (multiple times) each scene from Bryan Fuller's Hannibal and despite this tv show is good, I can't help seeing it like a copy, even if it's not. Killing Eve first and, if you like it, then go to Hannibal, you'll love it, I promise... "and I always keep my promises" ;)

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    Gregory Weinman

    It's a pleasure to watch Sandra Oh. Her performance and that of a number of the other players is a treat. However, I just can't set aside the horrible story lines. The plot of an international elite killer chased by a dedicated police officer has been with us since Victor Hugo. It should be done better. How is it that so few are aware of weekly high profile international assassinations? How is it that MI-5, the police, is not involved but MI-6, the spies, is? How is it that INTERPOL has not seen the weekly carnage and launched investigations. Why has the assassin left fingerprints at every killing? Why has no agency collected them?

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    Here's my assessment of the first 5 episodes: excellent, excellent, way above average, horrible, completely off base. I won't be watching 6 thru 8, especially after reading the 1 sentence synopsis on the AMC site. Great cast, writing in the dumper after the first 3 episodes.

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