Just Cause
Just Cause
| 15 September 2002 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    why in the world would you take this show off. everyone love this show. we were so unhappy when it never came on again. i hoped that it would come on again, but it never did. my dad told me they stopped showing the show.. i was SO mad. instead of watching Disney i watched this and sue Thomas f.b.i. now their thinking of taking that away too. ya'll need to rethink this. i just wonder why you took it off. don't say enough ratings. because i know a lot of people watched it. me and my dad never missed an episode and if your gonna stop a show you should at least let her have her daughter and date that one guy. don't just end it in the way you did... it left us dead in our tracks. i hope you really rethink this and put it on again... because I REALLY LOVED/LOVE THAT SHOW!

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    I was lucky enough to see the pilot for this show today and came here specifically to review this show. I found it to be compelling and Lisa Lackey was superb in the show. This young woman is a gem waiting to be discovered, I would love to see the other episodes but haven't a clue whether this was a one off or not. If anyone has any ideas what she might be in currently let me know, she is amazing. Have this show ever been broadcast on a national network and if so was it ever reviewed. I for one would be willing to start writing to the powers that be in an attempt to see if this can't be resurrected for another shot. If there is anyone interested please send me your comments or ideas via e-mail and who knows, sometimes the people who watch the shows and but the products do actually make a difference. I for one thin it might make sense to try.

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    Just Cause is a great drama and certainly one of the better well written shows on the television today. Ex-con Alex DeMonacco was sent to prison for five years for being set up by her ex-husband on insurance fraud charges. While in prison, she earns a Law degree. Once released from prison, she goes to visit Hamilton Whitney (Richard Thomas), a corporate attorney to hire him to appeal her conviction to the governor of California to be granted a pardon.In the interim, she bullies Whitney into giving her a job as a paralegal until her pardon is granted and she can practice law.Elizabeth Lackey does a wonderful job as Alex, and Richard Thomas gives an outstanding performance as Hamilton Whitney.

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    Beautiful young ex-con (unjustly imprisoned, of course) goes to work in the office of a stiff-necked lawyer, uncovering weekly cases involving injustice perpetrated on the helpless and downtrodden. As you can tell, this is an obvious attempt to coopt the energy of "Erin Brockovich; Elizabeth Lackey is nice-looking and an OK actress, but lacks the pivotal charm of Julia Roberts (but then, virtually everyone on earth lacks it). Richard Thomas is a problem, however--without the nostalgic naivete that shaped his character in "The Waltons," he comes off as a complete stiff. He might do well to stick to period pieces. I also hope the "moral crusade" tone that pervades this is eased in the future; it can get really insufferable in too heavy a dose.

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