John Doe
John Doe
TV-14 | 20 September 2002 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    This is a pretty exciting TV show from FOX that is about an amnesia-plagued man dubbed John Doe and played by Dominic Purcell, who possesses a wealth of encyclopedia knowledge and is pursued by an obscure and foreign organization called "The Phoenix" to do some sort of mysterious and secret experiment.Each episode has its own intriguing and unique flavor, not straying from the plot but also not dragging on to make the show pointless and boring. And, each episode gives its own taste of suspense, making you wonder more and more where "John Doe" comes from and what is the truth behind his knowledge and background.The final episode of Season One ends in a twist and unmasks the main villain. However, the cliffhanger was not elaborated on as the series was canceled after the first season. It is too bad - this show had great potential and is what I think one of the better TV dramas of the 2000s.Grade B+

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    "John Doe" was a show that my wife insisted I watch, and I'm glad I did. No!, every moment of the series was not perfect, but it was good. And for someone who is not entertained by mainstream television, it was fun to watch. I am the minority of television watchers I fully admit. Most popular programming is unappealing to me. Either in concept or in delivery. "John Doe" was different for me, it had a charm that few shows have. Or, shows have and then there are changes (either story line, or cast changes) that affect the delivery of the original plot. Sometimes a story line change is part of the original idea for a show, that I do get eg. "Lost". But I feel "John Doe" had staying power, maybe not a decade worth, but more than it was given. We never know what reasons the network corporate offices make the decisions they do, but I feel they got it wrong this time. Hopefully there was a solid reason for canceling the show, not just a whimsical decision by one person. I did not want to start watching. "John Doe", but I am disappointed that I did not get to see it end.

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    This is one great show containing all the mystery and intrigue of the X-Files and Characters who actually have character. I got hooked on it when it came out on Sci-Fi without having heard of it before. When I missed an episode and had to download it, I found the whole first season and went ahead and got it. Fox really screwed up when they decided to cut it without actually bringing it to a real end. It was there one day and gone the next. That's what I hated about it. I didn't mind so much about it ending, but it was never really revealed who this mysterious John Doe character is or who Phoenix was. What was this strange staff they were after and why did it matter so much to them? Because of Fox's decision to send it down the tubes we will never know. I like a good mystery, but I want it to be solved. Because this one was never solved, it will leave you disappointed in the end.

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    This show was not bad, better than some junk out there. Dominc Purcell as John Doe acted very well. Stories were more than average enough to keep your interest going. It was a shame that the show did not last more than 1 season. It would have been nice to have a conclusion to answer all the unanswered questions such as, 'Why does JD know everything about products, environments, certain things about people etc, but yet knows nothing about himself?'. I myself still catch the re runs on the sci-fi channel in the UK and am still entertained for 45 minutes by it. Also, JD had good guest stars and some clever lines and facts about things JD said. I say give at least the pilot episode a chance! I give it 2.5/5 or 3/5

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