House of Frankenstein
House of Frankenstein
| 02 November 1997 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    I must say that I have to disagree with the reviewer from England, no disrespect, but this show is far from being bad. I just don't think I view some of the shows, both on the T.V. and at the movies, the way some reviewers do. I don't look at camera angles, lighting, location, and all the other items that a more professional viewer might look at. All I want to know is it entertaining and does it have one or more people in it that I like. This show has it all. Adrian Pasdar (Near Dark-1987) is the police officer trying to solve a few murders, which I will not go into as it might contain a spoiler or two. Teri Polo (Focker movies 2004 & 2010) is a favorite of mine, even though I refused to watch the Focker movies. CCH Pounder (WareHouse-13) and Jorja Fox (CSI) are all in here as well. Nicole Nagel played a vampire bartender, but sadly, according to IMDb has not done anything since 2007. I must say I thought this show had the coolest vampire I have ever seen. I thought the show had enough action and moved along well enough to keep one in his or her seat. It is hard to review this without giving away too much, but I will say if it ever comes back to T.V. and you get a chance, give it a shot. As for me, well, I keep hoping it will show up on DVD one of these days.

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    While the sum of this admittedly comes out to about average, it is not without aspects worth noting. I haven't seen the original classics based on the books, nor the film called the same as this. A pretty good job is done of basing the characters on the novels, from what I know of them. The three creatures/types get a fairly decent amount of screen-time as well as development each. Some of the design is interesting, though there are definitely also areas of it where they cut corners. Lighting isn't bad. The effects vary, but some are well-done, remarkably so in several cases. I'm not sure if there are multiple versions of this, but for me, it lasted about two hours and forty minutes sans commercials, so about an hour and twenty per part. There is relatively well-done suspense in this. There is a lot of cheese and corn herein, as well, but hey, they can both be found in a nutritious meal, and some insist on some of either or both in their diet. The humor certainly has its moments, and it's mostly natural, seldom forced. The script is hit and miss, and it may break a rule or more. It does a reasonable job of updating the myths and such. The plot is fine. The pacing is, as well. The acting is a mixed bag. The cinematography and editing feature some inspired bits. This is genuinely scary at times. There is moderate violence and gore, but I didn't hear any language. I recommend this to fans of horror, and those into the monsters. Just be aware of what to expect. 5/10

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    S Gill

    What can you say about a production where the astute hero cop finally realizes his girlfriend is a werewolf when he catches her chasing rodents through the woods in her nightdress?This film is hysterically funny, unfortunately I don't think this was the director's intention.

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    Tin Man-5

    If fiction's three deadliest predators of man (Frankenstein's Monster, vampires, and werewolves) were loosed upon modern L.A., what would happen? This well-done miniseries attempts to answer that question. The results are a pretty lively horror film, with excellent special effects, good makesup, and a terrific cast. I'm surprised they didn't send this one to the theaters...all three and a half hours of it. could have passed as a horror film's "Titanic."What really makes it work it the fact that they don't resurrect the traditional monsters of the old Universal films, but the actual literary beasts. The Frankensten Monster is straight from the book, against both humans and vampires in an effort to meet his own deadly agenda. The werewolves and vampires also closly follow their incarnations from ancient folklore, representing evil incarnate. Together, these three kings of Undead manage to make an exceptional made-for-TV effort. Just one question: Where was the Mummy's Curse?*** out of ****

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