| 28 April 2014 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    So, I'm a huge sucker (hehe) for a teen-angsty vampire show. I did a Netflix marathon of all 8 English-subtitled episodes, in one sitting, hoping to discover a gem. I liked the parallel storytelling between the present day and the 1600s. The show was shot and dressed fantastically. The leads were wonderful and the supporting cast did an excellent job with what they were given.Now, I don't know if it was better in the original Dutch (I sure hope so), but much of the series I watched was really hard to swallow.The three Prefect antagonists looked to be straight from Hitler Youth Central Casting. It was too on-the-nose, and frankly, just lazy on the part of the show-runners. The fact that they were able to break the Geneva Convention with their water-boarding of a female student and weren't immediately expelled and arrested strains credulity -- and I don't care who's your daddy or that the headmaster's murdering students.The logic gaps were also too large to overlook, even when you're in the "suspend-belief-zone" while watching a paranormal TV series. Characters, such as the grave-digging, child-snatching janitor, randomly decide to assault and interrogate the maid for some unknown reason, just so he could be killed in an upcoming scene. That's either poor writing, editing, directing, or all three.But my biggest issue is with the rape culture themes. Yes, I know, the Cursed have to suck the life force from humans to survive. They're not who I have a problem with. It's everyone who's attacking the women in the show: The head prefect makes a pass, is shot down, won't take no for an answer, assaults repeatedly, kidnaps girl, blames her for his actions, dies. New head prefect, makes pass, assaults girl, she flees, he tries to run girl down in daddy's car, girl uses magic to get away. Three prefects assault and water-board girl. Janitor chokes out maid. Maid's boyfriend assaults her. The only time these women catch a break is when they have supernatural powers. It's the only time the writers allow them to save themselves.Sorry, but I want my vampire teen angst to be more thoughtful.

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    I accidentally came across this series on Netflix. The language is Danish, Norwegian, Swedish or Finnish. I am not sure because I do not speak whatever language it is. However, it has subtitles. I have NEVER written a movie review until now but I feel strongly compelled to do so as I believe that this series should be seen by everyone. The review that is already accompanied to this series describes it as a "vampire" movie and then states "but not quite". It is NOT a vampire movie what-so-ever. Unfortunately only 1 season is available to me at this time and I have never wanted to see the next season of ANY series as much as I look forward to this one. As best as I can describe without giving anything away, is that it's a horror/suspense/thriller/dark/romantic/drama mixture of genres. It's main characters seem to be inspired by the "black eyed children" of urban legend and the "incubus/succubus" of historical myth and legend as far as sucking life from it's victim, but sex is not needed at all and that is always part of the incubus'/succubus' nature. The other characters that are other than the normal humans are adversarial to the main characters and seem to be witches spawned from a miracle. At the very end (literally the last 1-2 minutes) ***SPOILER ALERT BUT NOT REALLY*** we are shown what appears to be one of the main characters and a human transformed into a NEW type of creature. However, just a short glimpse of the eyes is the ONLY clue that is given to us viewers.I really wish (not for me as I love foreign movies) that this series would be made in English and shown on a major prime time network as I believe that it would become a number one rated show very quickly. It is extremely original in every way. Not just the character types and all the genres that it encompasses, but the whole plot and especially the very unique love story that intertwines throughout. If I had my wish, everyone would watch this series. If I had the money, I would produce it. That is how much I believe in it. From start to finish, it is exceptional, extraordinarily unique and overall outstanding! I HIGHLY recommend this series. Thank You for the opportunity to write this review.

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    Orphaned twins Sebastian and Sofie Nielsen aren't like other teenagers; to survive they must feed off others… sucking the life out of them in a 'kiss of death'. If they pull away their victims will merely feel a bit odd but if they don't they will burst into flames; Sofie can control herself but Sebastian isn't so controlled. They have no idea why they are the way they are until one day they return to the orphanage where they were raised and learn that their mother was at a small private school looking for a heart-shaped necklace when she disappeared. The twins start attending the school and gradually learn more about who they are… and about the family who run the school who are a danger to them. As the series develops Sofie gets involved with Emilie Just, the headmaster's daughter, while Sebastian starts seeing two girls leading to a jealousy that could endanger them. As the series nears its conclusion the dangers increase leading to a dramatic conclusion.This eight part Danish series was sold as an 'X-rated Twilight' as part of UK Channel Four's 'Walter Presents' collection of subtitled series; while I can see what they were getting at the description could put off viewers who may enjoy this. I'd hardly call it X-rated though, there is a small amount of partial nudity but the sex scenes are fairly innocent… that isn't to say there isn't a degree of eroticism to them; especially in the scenes between Sofie and Emilie; actresses Julie Zangenberg and Julie Christiansen make us believe their characters really want each other both physically and emotionally. The idea of 'The Cursed' (people like Sofie and Sebastian) is interesting and has a good explanation; they make a nice change from the usual vampires. The school provides a good claustrophobic setting with some genuinely unpleasant pupils and a sinister headmaster who considers it his life's mission to eliminate The Cursed. The cast do a fine job; the aforementioned Julie Zangenberg stands out but there are also impressive performances from many others including Sebastian Jessen, as her brother, Nicolaj Kopernikus as the headmaster, Gustav Dyekjær Giese, as the bullying head prefect and Frederikke Dahl Hansen as Nadja, the girl who both fears and loves Sebastian. Overall I found this to be tense and enjoyable without being overly frightening; I'd certainly recommend it to anybody wanting a supernatural drama that is a little different.These comments are based on watching the series in Danish with English subtitles.

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    Its a teenage vampire type story with a new twist (not quite vampires) and a certain amount of Scandinavian style. Scandinavian style is not to everyone's taste. Too much morbid standing around, staring into space or watching people walking around... Heartless does have a bit of that but it fits in with the style and is only occasionally annoying. I watched it in Danish with English subtitles. I prefer watching foreign programs with subtitles to get the feel of the originating culture, and I love listening to Danish (though don't understand it).The story is very good and a lot of different types of teenage angst are mixed in to get all sorts of emotions started, and then they are well managed. There are people who don't know their parents and have no future, there is moving to a new, uncomfortable environment to live in (the boarding school and its intrigues), there is love between the teens, love between teens and adults, broken family relationships, old secret trysts, murders, unrequited lovers being abused, unrequited lovers doing the abuse, etc, etc. The tie in with the historical story is good.There are all sorts of things going on and it is very well acted and directed all round (apart from comments below). It is quite artistic and adult. More along the lines of Interview With A Vampire for teens than another Twilight. The opening credits and music are great. Amazing performances are given by two of the actors: Frederikke Dahl Hansen as Nadja gives a very nuanced performance of an innocent young abused girl torn by many emotions, and Julie Christiansen as Emelie, a charismatic performance as person of power even though just a young girl.It is filmed in a dark and dreary way which works but does eventually get in the way. Instead of being engrossed, you eventually start wondering about it. Even indoors with all the lights on in a room, its difficult to see anything but people's faces. When something bad happens, everyone just stumbles around in the dark. No-one thinks of switching the lights on.The main problems for me started from episode 6 on. Up to this it is great and definitely recommended. After this it is not recommended. The contrivances became common and ridiculous. Silly, and I feel sad as it was ruined. For example, a girl who is truly in love, suddenly voluntarily goes out with a boy she doesn't like who was arranged by a dad she has been rebelling against. A person gets killed all by himself in the woods and a janitor starts violently questioning the person's ex-girlfriend because the janitor has just randomly decided its something to do with her, for no sane reason whatsoever. Just cheaply contrived to get some suspense and emotion.Finally, something that all the advertising seems to avoid mentioning. It has an 18 rating (in UK). That may be due to the violent murders (beatings, stabbings and burnings). Nothing out of the ordinary by modern standards, except maybe the one burning on the stake due to the condition of the person. It may be due to the sex, which is also mild by modern standards. I think the main problem is that most of this involves people who are of school-age. It is teenagers being murdered. It is teenagers having sex and being naked. I loved watching the young girls in the shower, not to mention some of the other things. I'm a liberal middle-aged male, but this sort of thing is controversial. In some parts of the world, people go to jail for making such images. In works of art such things manage to get away with a bit more leeway but, can any TV series be a work of art due to its 'mass market product' nature? I think this may offend some people.

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