"Girltrash!" is an almost 10-year-old mini-series that consists of 11 episodes (I think) which all run for 4 minutes max. I am not sure what to think of this piece. Is it comedy? Is it drama? It seems to take itself very seriously at times, but the action is just so absurd which makes it pretty much an even weaker version of "Pretty Little Liars" with guns. I am not familiar with any of the cast, who may be the reason why this looks amateurish for the most part, but the star here is probably writer and director Angela Robinson, who also recently worked on a couple fairly famous television shows. However, here she is far from her best I have to say. It is a pretty cringeworthy watch at times and only very rarely interesting. 2 out of 5 is still a pretty generous rating. I cannot recommend it at all and it's a bit ridiculous to see there is even a film out on the same topic. Thumbs down.
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