TV-MA | 15 April 2012 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Okay, I get that it addresses real issues of life for people this age, and I respect that. But, it gets kind of hard to watch after a bit. Not because of subject matter or quality of the acting, but because of the characters, especially Hannah. She is the most self absorbed, annoying and attention seeking character that i've ever watched. She can't do anything unless she is the center of attention, and has to make people feel bad for her all the time. She always talks about herself, and I never see her ask any of her partners anything about themselves, and always has to turn every problem that her friends have into something about her. It's also pretty obvious that Lena Dunham writes and produces the show, because she always gives herself the most lines and the most drama (I get that she's the main character but still), and doesn't characterize the supporting characters at all and never elaborates on their drama. Overall, pretty eh show.

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    Seriously, Adam Driver is the only good thing about this show. He is a great actor, but even he could not save this utterly silly display. And yes, one gets tired of seeing the main character naked all the time.

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    There is a reason they call this stuff mumblecore. Lena Dunham has done a terrific job of creating "first world problems the series".To list the characters: Lena Dunham plays the long-long-long-term student who pursues a journalism career. She has a horrifying case of OCD and as you will come too see is the case with every character in this show, can't handle even the slightest influx of stress. She also gets the only sorta hot guy in the series, who himself has major confidence issues and can't handle *emotions* and all that. With this wonderful guy she engages in several acts of what I can only describe as piglet fetish (referring to Dunhams unaesthetic corpse).Black haired, unattractive, *responsible* girl who slightly misses her lifetime goal of finishing school with all As and now just can't handle it also has trouble finding out what is actually attractive to her and engages in cuddle sex with multiple losers.Black haired, attractive, *I'm-so-into-art* girl quits with her boyfriend because he slacks off and she now wants to *intercourse* the manlit edgy artist that told her how awesome he is at *intercourse*. She may later find out that slack-off ex-boyfriend is now a millionaire app developer (because that happens) with the worst app idea ever from any legal aspect. Of course she will then want him back but it never works out. Oh boy I wonder who she will be 100% passionate about next.And then we have ganja hippy girl who ends up married to somebody with actual taste and money for no reason but chooses to live back on the street because she is so *free* and has deep rooted family problems that she just can't get over.Honestly this mess of a series is a shallow, wannabe edgy coping-piece produced in typical Dunham mumblecore style. If you are a semi-stable human being you won't need this garbage at all. Dunham is and always will be incapable of writing any actual engaging story arks and therefore has to rely on speaking to your base instincts and insecurities because that is all she knows. The entire thing can be summarized in two words: boring and shallow

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    Just started watching this show I'm at season 1 episode 5, I personally LOVE this show. It's incredibly funny and extremely refreshing. It's quirky and almost every dialogue makes me smile like an idiot. The sex is also a lot more realistic than in other shows (Since most of the time sex can awful and unsatisfying, not earth-shattering like they portray on romantic movies and also, not everyone is built like a model.) I think people need to stop over analyzing the show and enjoy it for what it is; a heartfelt comedy about young women who traverse a complicated world filled with heartbreak and uncertainty with no one to lean on but each other. It's a unique take on an old idea and I will definitely stay tuned for more. PS---The girls look great in tights

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