GameSpot TV
GameSpot TV
| 04 July 1998 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    As Gamespot TV, this was a great show. Adam and Kate alike were both enthusiastic about games, and the show stayed true to its primary focus.The show was equally excellent in its Extended Play format. Even when Kate left, Adam carried this show - quite well might I add. This guy knows his games and is quite enthusiastic about them,When this show became X-Play, it went down the crapper overnight.Morgan Webb is incompetent. Kate was a great co-host, but Morgan is biased and thick- headed. I love Adam, he still does a great job at what he does. But Morgan's got to go. Adam needs to be the ONE host of this show. Less hosts means less time wasted insulting one another.The show takes on a very ludicrous tone and never takes itself seriously, which is one of its greatest flaws. Judgment Day kept a serious tone with occasional humor, and it served that show well. It's a far superior game show. Why's it gone and this garbage is still on the air?The absolute worst part of this show is FILLER SEGMENTS. That's right. Filler. Segments that have NO RELEVANCE TO GAME REVIEWS and exist purely for humor and filling time. This time could be better spent reviewing accessories/systems/etc.Another flaw is that some shows rehash old reviews, and some are theme shows. Want to watch X-Play, but it's an all-Sports game show, and you don't like sports games? tough luck.The reviews are biased and come from a similar perspective. The hosts riddle each other with useless banter and never have a productive conversation. They never debate, they always go along with each other on reviews. Judgment day, on the other hand, is the Ebert and Roeper of game review shows.There are also far too many commercial breaks. THREE IN A HALF HOUR PROGRAM!? Give me a break!Don't go out of your way to watch this show. If it's on, fine, go ahead and watch. Otherwise just get your reviews from the internet.Judgment Day NEEDS to come back.

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    Before I get a game, I always have to look for it's review on X-play. Adam and Morgan are funny, and very smart when it comes to rating games. They rate all sorts of games for every single console. I think they have come close to reviewing almost every game in the world! This is informative, funny, and not trash. It may have some swearing and sexual content, but it's still a good show. Everyone should watch X-play, because I think it is mostly suitable for about 12+, or some younger people a good sense of humor. Even though that I don't agree with some of their ratings, it is a very good show so everyone should watch it. I watch it everyday, and you should too. 10/10.

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    First let me say this: Adam Sessler, man, you are not funny, you look like a sick dog, you act poorly, and sometimes it's just downright embarrassing to watch you. Morgan Webb, you stink at acting, you are Goth (even though you say you aren't), you cant narrate well, and you probably don't even play video games. That said, the reviews on the show are pretty good--I know their definitely not written by Adam and Morgan. I usually watch the show while waiting for another G4 program to come on. Seriously though, Adam and Morgan: you need to learn how to host: the only time they seem to come alive is when they're hosting a video game convention or something. So G4, either teach your hosts how to be funny or something, or just fire them, please. It would be a service to us all.

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    In the beginning, there was Extended Play ... and it was good. This show on the other hand is utter crap. The whole atmosphere feels like a really bad MTV show with non- sensical, shifting camera angles and the hipper-than-thou attitude of the hosts. With the introduction of Morgan Webb, the show became *extremely* mean-spirited and dumbed down. It is no longer a show for video game enthusiasts, judging by how many negative reviews they give out per show, you'd think it was a show for people who hate video games. Adam Sessler is no longer the brooding "intellectual" he was on Extended Play, he is now a raving jackass whose sole purpose is to appear "witty" at all times. They've added an over-the-top "extreeeeme" announcer which seems totally out of place (the hosts used to introduce themselves). If you're looking for a show that respects the subject matter it is focused on and doesn't insult the viewer's intelligence, this is not your show. The show appears to be more interested in interjecting its lame, sarcastic sense of humor than it is in talking about video games. If this show is to be considered an "improvement" over its predecessor, then the producers have their heads shoved tightly up their own out of ***** (5).Game Over

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