Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars
Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars
TV-PG | 17 October 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Melissa Mendelson

    All he wanted was to reach for the stars, break new ground. He never dreamed of finding this place or the ones that he now calls friends. He never imagined discovering her and the love that fueled his heart, but crisis after crisis nearly tore them apart. He always thought that monsters hid in the closet or beneath the bed and never in plain sight, but there he was, the one that would never let go. And he tangoed with death, slipping through enemy hands, but he still remained their prisoner. And all he ever wanted was to reach for the stars and change the course of history, but fate had other plans. And he was sucked down into a portal to an unimagined world that has become his home, and for three years, his journey blazed across the Farscape.Distant stars shimmered across the darkness, burning with hope. Time melted away into dreams, and the past finally let go. The season of death was over, but lives would never be forgotten. And new beginnings held to the strings of the heart, and bittersweet tears fell like gentle rain. And destiny said farewell, leaving him at his journey's end, but his legacy remains, the story of an astronaut, John Crichton. And forever would we remember a brilliant journey carried over an ocean of imagination, gripping us in suspense, and touching our hearts with passion and love. And we say good-bye to the Farscape.

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    The television show "Farscape" is perhaps one of the best I have ever watched. I sat fascinated through the 88 episodes, whether I was laughing, crying, or cheering on the crew of Moya. But this mini-series lacks the feel of the television series (which it began to lose in its fourth season). It feels like any old sci-fi movie - not like Farscape. The cameos of old characters seem a bit forced, the plot is cliché, the battles are uninteresting (and much to long and unrealistic). JC and the crew of Moya are *not* heroes - thats what makes them so fun to watch, they are just looking out for themselves, trying to survive in a dangerous universe - so why force them into that role in this movie? Its unfortunate that such a fantastic show has to go out by such a terrible movie. It could have - should have been - much better. Its not terrible, but I rate it a 1 in hopes of dropping its too generous score as is. I rate the show 10. Check that out, then watch this if you love the show, but don't keep your hopes too high.

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    A very nice ending to a very nice series. The Peacekeeper Wars maintains its moodiness while still managing to be an out and out sci fi presentation. The plot lines left painfully dangling are wrapped up with no cop outs (ie, lets just forget the whole Aeryn and Crichton being dead thing and bring them back with no explanation, FYI, that did not happen). The only downside is, unlike Serenity, you really had to see the series to fully appreciate the movie (it might have something to do with the fact that Farscape got more backstory in 4 seasons that Firefly did in just 1). This film/miniseries/whatever you want to call it is stylishly done with brilliant action set pieces and heart breaking deaths (telling you who dies might just give too much away and my humble spoiler alert would not be enough) and at the end of the film when Crichton holds up his baby, you can't help but go all warm and tingly inside.

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    Luke Houghton

    G'day I thought the final installment of the Farscape series is a testament to the hard work all the Farscape fans put into getting it up. 10 stars to all the nerds. Like most people I didn't really know what to expect given that my own country (Australia) didn't have the mental capacity to show it on public television (I am talking to you Mr. Packer). However, we waited for the DVD to come out as we can't (and won't) pay for cable and I must say we were NOT disappointed. A fitting end to a series that stretched the boundaries far and wide for us Sci-fi fans! There will be nothing this good ever again - watch it and learn to love it! From Australia (the country that brought you Farscape!)

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