Dimension 404
Dimension 404
TV-14 | 04 April 2017 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Simon Baars

    This series has everything I've always been looking for in series.After watching a lot of series most series feel too "stretched" to me. This series has done something not much series have: instead of having one big story every part is a story by itself.Also, the stories keep on being very original and unexpected, and I really like it.Best series I've watched so far.

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    Oh dear, this tries so hard to be "Black Mirror" but completely fails - the acting is adequate, but the script and plotting is poor. Watch the 1st two episodes and you'll see.It completely lacks any new twists or insights and falls back on clichés. I don't know if they were deliberately aiming for a YA audience but I do fee they've dumbed it down way too much. E1 was fairly obvious early on (not that that's necessarily a problem) but failed to develop it in interesting ways. E2 was just 'old dude' vs 'teen angst' - hey ho.

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    I was excited to hear that Hulu was creating a show that was being compared to the Twilight Zone and Black Mirror. Hulu's original programming has been hit or miss but I had hope! Then I heard Mark Hammill was narrating: Bonus Points! But in the same moment I saw that it was being created by Rocketjump. Points lost. I haven't enjoyed anything they produced.Still, I was determined to give it a shot.From the first scene I could tell it was not what it had been compared to. The lighting immediately gave it the feel of a sit-com of sorts, the soundtrack seems outright silly for the genre they were attempting to be a part of.The acting left much to be desired, the writing seemed even worse. It's as if they had ideas for 10-15 minute shows and stretched it out into 45. No, I was not impressed but I felt like it would be unfair to judge it without watching the first 3 episodes.Cut to 2 1/2 hours later and you have a disappointed person wishing for that part of their life back.The Twilight Zone and Black Mirror are thought provoking, edgy, interesting... Dimension 404 is cheesy, uninteresting and generally boring.Do yourself a favor and watch something else.

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    I have recently started this show, and I have to say that I can't recommend it enough. Do you remember watching The Twilight Zone as a kid? It was kind of weird, kind of goofy, and totally enrapturing? Like a book you couldn't put down, but you didn't know what to think of it? Black Mirror may have taken the mantle of social commentary TZ reaches for, but 404 takes everything else - a haunting reality that, instead of being this one in 5 years, is something a little different, a little off, and rapidly expands that out into something totally different. It's spooky, it's fun, and it leaves you with a question - but not a sinking dread. Comparing it to Black Mirror is obvious, but not helpful. This isn't a drama set in the future - it's speculative sci-fi with a totally different goal. Watch episode 3 and try and not wonder - couldn't this have happened? Really? You need to watch 404 because you deserve something fun, whimsical, spectacular, but also engaging and awesome. Fall in love with the zany, and catch onto the ultimate hope in every episode.

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