Dark Angel
Dark Angel
TV-14 | 03 October 2000 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    One of the greatest. most unique and amazing shows ever created. Lots of character development, intriguing stories and fantastic dialogue. It's got everything from drama to action to comedy. The main actors are great, have good chemistry, and make any episode easy to watch. Both seasons are really well done; even the weakest episodes have an important feature. Each episode is different and easily distinguishable, which is hard for a show to achieve. Season one is both dark and disturbing by exploring Max's past filled with haunting flashbacks. All this makes Max very sympathetic. Season two tackles important realistic issues people can relate to, such as racism and judging appearances. Max feels proud of who and what she is, no matter if she's different from a regular human. The directing and writing are superb when they need to be. This show knows when to be chilling and intense, especially when it comes to important episodes. Some of the best parts of the show are the brilliant set design made from scratch to really emphasize a post-pulse world and the beautiful music.

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    I bought every season and episode of Dark Angel and was very disappointed when it was axed. I would really implore that this continues even if set from a few years later, or another version of Dark Angel is made with the original cast, particularly Jessica Alba. Jessica Alba is perfect for this role and with the popularity of Arrow, The Flash, DC Legends of Tomorrow, Spergirl and various others, I am positive that Dark Angel in this day and age would be welcomed back with open arms by great deal of people, myself included.I've recently been watching them again and they thrill me every time even though I've seen them all before. I am so pleased I bought the whole set and am enjoying them as much as when I first watched them on Television. Please James Cameron and Charles H. Eglee bring it back and continue it from where it was left off. I guarantee it will be well accepted. kind regards, Jennifer Atterton

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    I am a fan of this show. I thought the combo of Jessica Alba and Michael Weatherly was a good one. I only saw the first season-there were two seasons. Good pace and good setting makes this show work well. Good placement of humor helps also. There is way too much humorless SF out there which really gets old after a while. Despite the show being a few years old I find it is still watchable-maybe it even got better with age. Its funny to see Michael Weatherly in a not NCIS role because I have grown so accustomed to seeing him do the NCIS thing on the show of the same name. I haven't seen Jessica Alba for ages in anything. I guess this show can be considered proof she existed. The show explores the darkest fears of the modern age-that genetic manipulation exists and has been used to create people who burn twice as bright for half as long. A little like Bladerunner's Replicants. James Cameron was involved so you have to figure it owed its basic concepts to something else. Other than than derivative element of it-its not a bad ride. I give it a seven for the acting but I think the derivative nature of the plots underpinning is at a five level. Gots to pay them bills I guess.

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    This show is awesome! Classic futuristic sci-fi show! The main problem this show had was it was produced by FOX. As much as I liked this show, it pained me to like it because everything Fox creates is cancelled without ending. They never finish a show. Anyways, the acting is decent and the plots are interesting. And to the people that think this show was bad, what kind of show DO you like? Perhaps all those retarded shows on the WB???? Or the neverending flood of reality shows???? Why do those shows last so long when they are the worst shows in the world. Every one of them. It's so hard to find good shows on TV anymore because there are only 3 genres: reality, WB crap, or CSI shows. *sigh*

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