Chrome Underground
Chrome Underground
| 23 May 2014 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    While I'm not a big gearhead myself, I do watch a LOT of car shows on Discovery and Chrome Underground has peaked my interest faster than most other shows.It's definitely unique in having the deals take place outside of the US and often in shady areas of Mexico and South America where the potential for things to go awry is a lot higher.All three main characters (Antonio, Yusuf and Andrew) are interesting and likable guys that aren't afraid to show their emotions.The only other comparable show that I've seen would be Chasing Classic Cars, where the boring and mundane host makes it almost unwatchable, and all the deals are fairly straightforward and uninteresting.Chrome Underground does show a little of the mechanical side, but I like the focus on actually making the deals and the care taken to minimise the risks.It's a shame that Andrew most likely won't be appearing again if another season is shot, he added a lot to the show and I hope things work out for more episodes in the future, so we can actually see how the guys made out when returning to the US.

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    I started watching this show thinking: "wow, a new show that takes us to foreign countries in search for a rare car in a hostile environment." But after ten minutes I lost all interest in it. What are the odds of finding a US mercenary working as a bartender in Mexico and willing to risk his life to "rescue" 20000$ and only earning 200$?Yeahp, the Mclaren character is a poor actor. When you see him looking around as to check if the place is secure or not, you totally figure out that this show is has real as WWE fights.Don't bother watching. It's a total waste of time. You don't see anything that really makes us petrol heads jump on our seats. Worst TV show ever.

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    If you take the show at face value the 2 main characters are complete idiots. If you realize the truth that it is all scripted it is even worse, their acting is bad, the situations are unrealistic and the premise of the show is dumb. People who conduct this type of activity do in fact have significantly more security, do much more exhaustive research and have plans in place to secure the cars and ship them. This show is a waste of an hour of your time. The show shows very little of the actual cars nor does it explain how these very high end cars end up in this terrible places in pristine condition. On top of this, it appears that the two main characters are completely clueless as to the supposed danger they place themselves in time after time, they can't speak the local language and then proceed to insult people's cars that they look at when it doesn't meet their expectations. Assuming for a moment that what you see is in anyway real (which it isn't) these guys want to place US standards of conduct in a foreign environment. In realty these guys would have been shot, robbed or killed a long time ago.

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    Discovery, you cheapen your brand every time you buy one of these over sensationalized scripted syndicated shows. You would think you would have learned your lesson on jungle gold and that awful gem hunting show , but apparently not! Whoever keeps buying these shows needs to be fired! Do not watch this show, unless you are looking for fiction. This is another discovery scripted show that is in no way a reality show it will only take you about five minutes to to realize this and turn it off. I expect to see this kind off stuff on tru TV , but not Discovery, I really do not understand why they keep buying this stuff. The script of the first show is literally identical to the gem hunting show that bombed. In fact the gem hunting show bombed over seas and they bought it anyway. Would not be surprised to find out this was tested and bombed elsewhere only to have discovery pick it up.

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