TV-MA | 19 August 2011 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    I could not disagree more with some of the reviews that have been written about Chemistry so far. This was a very well done soft core series.Yes, there is a lot of sex in the episodes and was expected. However, it is about the complex relationships between Liz, the police officer, who saves Michael's life after a bad car crash in the first episode. The relationships between Liz, Michael, and Michael's fiancé Jocelyn has Michael rethinking his life and whether he will go through with the marriage to Jocelyn. Liz has totally shaken up his life. There are twists and turns along the way that keep the series interesting. Luther, Michael's best friend and co-attorney at the firm makes for some very interesting scenes. Luther has his own moments but his relationship as friend and confidant of Michael's shows another aspect of Michael's character. The two staring actors, Ana Alexander, and Jonathan Chase did an amazing job. I am not aware of them doing anything like Chemistry before and I would dare say that the chemistry between them was amazing. They were both very natural in their roles and I would love to see them acting together again.It was wonderful to see Chad Everett and Sally Kellerman on the small screen again. Both did a very good job in their periodic commentary roles in the series.I am sorry to see the series end. I am not sure why IMDb says that there were 14 episodes. I only know of 13 that were broadcast. Would love to see more of this series as the story is open ended and could go further.I highly recommend the series for its entertainment and production values! The photography was very well done.

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    This is the latest Skinemax addition to its Friday late night adult fest. It deals with a guy and his on going affair and how it develops into another relationship. It's nothing out of the ordinary in terms of this genre. There's a good amount of eye candy, nudity, and sex, but that's where the positives ends. The acting is dreadful (not that you expect Oscar worthy performances). The show looks and feels dated from the cheesy opening credits, to the horrible and obvious green screens during the driving sequences. Chemistry feels like a combination of a bad 80's soap opera and an 80's infomercial combined. The cut scenes are pointless and Liz and her partners' cop scenes are after school special bad. I'm sure you can appreciate it more if you're 12, (for obvious reasons) but if you're an adult and haven't watched Chemistry, you haven't missed anything.

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    Have you ever seen bad porn? Well? Get ready because you're about to. This show is about "couples" who basically just cheat on each other with other people all day long and try to fit a plot line somewhere in there so they can pawn it off as a show. The truth is if there is a hell for retired porn stars this show is it.Where to begin, The acting looks like they're reading teleprompters, that is to say they have the emotional depth of the plot line they're supposed to have, and yet never seems to quite ever be there. Even in spite of all this it would still be a half decent show if they made the sex scenes good and yet... no, just failed outright. The absolute worst part though is the main actors, every time they have some kind of situation, they seem like the're attempting to figure out what the reaction is, and the second they have, they do the exact opposite. To say that this show is predictable would indicate that there's a shrivel of sense in it somewhere, there isn't. 1/10 don't waste your time, watch a bad porno instead at least that way the actors don't have to pretend they know how to read a script.

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    If you thought Californication had lots of sex, wait till you get a load of this!Basically it's about a female cop who saves the life of a lawyer dude and they have severe chemistry. Which explains the title. They proceed to have lots of sex, good for them. There is a hint of a story line lingering in the background, but I have the feeling it's gonna be a series about two people randomly having sex every eight scenes. Giggety.The minimum length for reviews is 10 lines of sex, I mean text. Hence this addition: too bad that you can clearly see that Liz is wearing some form of undergarment in at least one scene. For a moment I was slightly surprised that she actually went commando on set.Ta!

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