Charlie Jade
Charlie Jade
| 16 April 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Now, this is something everyone should see! This is a series that I stumbled upon, and got hooked immediately. Not only got hooked, but I enjoyed every second of it. The filming is great, unlike anything I've seen in any TV series before. The musical score is amazing (I'm disappointed a soundtrack is not released!). The acting is also very good, especially from Michael. His character, 01 Boxer, is one of the best (if not the best) characters in any Sfi-Fi series I've seen (and I've seen a lot, believe me).I've read somewhere that the makers were trying to make a show that's different from the usual sci-fi, and, they have succeeded in every sense.I'm giving this one 10/10. It's a shame it wasn't picked up for a second season, but I'll be more than happy if someone takes this as inspiration and give some fresh air into the now rather stale Sci-Fi genre!

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    Johnny Paycheck

    It seems as if there were only a handful of viewers watching this show in the U.S., but as one of them I'm sad to see it go, especially knowing that I'll likely never see another season-- or, for that matter, a Region 1 DVD. And even though it's been a bit tough following such a complex, and often brilliant, program with no one to discuss it with (none of my friends or family were interesting in keeping up on a show that airs at 1 AM on Monday morning here), I'm glad I did. It was a rewarding experience; and you don't get many of those from a TV show.It has a remarkable visual style, excellent dialogue, an unapologetically complex (if sometimes confusing) plot line, a dense mythology, and some of the most fascinating character development I've ever seen (someone could write a thesis on 01 Boxer's behavior and motivations alone).If you do get a chance to check the show out, stick with it. It can be difficult to follow at times, but it's worth it. I was a few episodes in before I had a good grasp of what was going on, and by then I was hooked, as I think most will be who give this series a proper chance.It really is quite an amazing show, and I just think it's a shame that there's room enough on television for 3 incarnations of "CSI" but no audience for something as novel and thought-provoking as "Charlie Jade."

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    I've never seen a science-fiction TV show like this before... Truly the best series I've ever seen in my whole life. I saw many good sci-fi TV shows, but Charlie Jade beat them all in almost every detail, this music, mystery, idea about three worlds (Alpha - what will be, Beta - what's now and Gamma - what could be.), amazing characters, beautiful Cape Town and great actors like Jeffrey Pierce, Michael Filipowich or Tyrone Benskin. It's something that every sci-fi fan must see. You won't regret that, believe me. I guarantee that you never seen anything like it, anything so hip, intelligent, engrossing and beautifully executed. Just watch the first few episodes, you'll be hooked.

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    If you like the mainstream television sci fi series all with similar production styles and values then it is not likely that you will like this. I have watched many such series and films and enjoyed them as well as more unusual examples of the genre into which this falls. The unusual cinematography employing lots of hand held footage does start to jar after a while but the series is new and different and I really enjoyed it immensely. I recognised none of the actors but they all turned in believable performances and I would be happy to see them again in different roles. A good debut from a budding media industry and I look forward to more new projects from the region.

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