Britney and Kevin: Chaotic
Britney and Kevin: Chaotic
| 17 May 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    First of all, f**k all of you that are so negative and don't want to see someone succeed, Britney is great and if you are not to ignorant to look at her as a real person not just someone in the spotlight to judge you will see that. She opened herself up by putting this on TV and she showed what she is really like. Its sad how some people are so quick to judge, but Britney is not putting on an act in this. After watching this show I like Britney Spears even more (not that i'm obsessed). Britney is the first to actually open up about her life in such a personal way but because of all you haters, she and other stars will probably never again. and even though i believe that everyone has the right to an opinion it is important to remember that everyone is human just trying to be the best person they can be (for the most part). good day

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    I don't know why I'm commenting this stupid reality-show I happened to watch a few episodes of(a cable marathon broadcast when they aired 5 episodes in a row or something,I didn't watch the entire thing though.Only like three episodes)as I was nine months pregnant and about to go into labor any day.Maybe I'm just bored today:-)I feel sorry for Britney,I really do.For all her money and fame she seem to have very little sense of dignity.Or she's self-centered to the extreme.She married the nitwit Federline(okay anybody can make a mistake) and before that she "starred" this horrible show about her everyday life with him,where she shoves a camcorder wherever she feels like it,no matter if it is in someone's face or into the shower as Federline is standing in there. She's babbling about her sex-life without leaving anything to your imagination,I don't care for my part,but I can't help wondering how she feels about it now when she's divorced.And yes,for her sake I'm embarrassed.But I shouldn't be.She seem to live a pretty empty,shallow life though.I don't want to swap lives with her even if I could. Road-kill TV if you like.

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    I don't even know why I'm spending my time writing a comment about Britney Spears, perhaps to get my thoughts off my mind so that I don't have nightmares about her tonight? Anyway, a good friend of mine (who is a DJ) has met Britney Spears before, and he has described her to me as "always needs to be in the center of attention". I now understand what he meant. After seeing the first episode of Chaotic (why, you ask? Because of stupid human curiosity), I am now feeling extreme motion-sickness thanks to Britney's not-very-stable camcorder holding hand, and newfound pity for her.Sure, she's rich, she's famous, won't say she's beautiful cuz I've never found her to be, but wow, she's oozing with inner loneliness. I mean, who in their right mind would want the entire world to know how many times she's had sex during that day? When she kept on going on and on about sex positions, and how many times she "did it" with Kevin, I actually covered my face with embarrassment for her. The girl is just screaming for something more substantial and she doesn't even realize it. I think that's why she acts like she's always on stage and she's so hyper it's annoying. Can anyone say: Facade?? Poor Britney, so many people looking at her but no one's really listening to her. The one thing I will give her is that you can tell that she is comfortable with her body and she can definitely make fun of herself. That's cool, cuz people in this world take themselves too seriously sometimes.Don't really have much of an opinion about Kevin, although he seems like he's stoned all the time. Anyway, that's my little blurb on the wonderful world of Britney Spears. May she find peace with herself someday. If not, at least give her money to charity or something...Thanks y'all for readin' my post!! (sorry, my inner Britney came out there...)PS: Still feeling a bit motion-sick...

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    Britney is not only a narcissistic, empty-headed twit, but she is not a nice person. Kevin is even worse, a third-rate gigolo who can barely put a sentence together! Her bodyguard fears that she will be taken advantage of by this "punk," but why does he care? Lord knows he can find another narcissistic, empty-headed twit to get coffee for!I was hoping to find out what it's like to be an A-List celebrity. Aside from pointing out photographers outside her hotel, Britney putts around her suit, bitches about its decor, smokes, runs a treadmill, quizzes her minions on how they like to have sex, and shoves her camcorder in Boy Toy's face. We don't get any sense of what it's like to be on tour, but Britney complains that the person who scheduled hers "must have been out of his mind," as if she is some hapless pawn who has no control over her life. Boo Hoo!

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