Beyond Scared Straight
Beyond Scared Straight
TV-PG | 13 January 2011 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    First of all, I've known MANY people who have been in and out of prison. Like, big prison with murders and the like. This TV show portrays angry criminals being VERY inappropriate to minors. Threatening to rape them and beat them up. But wait, isn't threatening illegal? Yes it is but the officers allow it to happen because of the "scare factor". If they kids re-offend they are going to regardless. It's very ineffective. However, it's entertaining to watch when bored.

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    This show is a blatant excuse for a prison documentary. Of course, I get the idea that people have done things so awfully wrong, but going to jail for it is just crossing several lines.People have become depressed, just because of this show. I'm one of the lucky few. It makes people more insecure about what they're doing and they're always going to say that they're going to get beaten and called names when they do the littlest thing wrong.Policemen always see children and teenagers as adults in this show. Homosexuality and abuse is the result of it. It just makes me want to have a loaded gun next to the active television, and just shoot an officer.Is there anything more I need to say about this aggravating and introverted show?

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    Alexis Natassia

    It's a good show. The teens acting up tick me off. I couldn't see myself ever disrespecting my mom and grandmother. I would probably be six feet under. I don't have much respect for this site though, because they allowed a p.o.s. like Ernest, say such discriminatory and racist crap. He claims that parents "not whupping their children with belts" and "allowing them to marry blacks" are why kids of this generation are so disobedient. I can't believe they allowed a review like that to exist. I understand that everyone has an opinion, and they have the right to do so, but racism? Really? There are kids who don't date outside their race, and they still end up screwed up. It isn't the race they date... it is WHO they date. Ernest, I hope you see this review, and I am sure you're some old fart who is whiny that "us blacks" aren't slaves anymore. Worthless failed abortion. ANYWAY... This show is about a program that shows young teens the realities of prison. Some people are quite soft, and say that it's too harsh for the kids 16 and under. Only someone of a faint heart would say something like that. I don't agree with the homophobic and derogatory crap they say... but other than those times, those little brats need to be taught a lesson. Anyone "enjoying" the show isn't "vile". You just are too weak minded to watch a show like that. However.... I do kinda blame the parents for how their kids turned out. But "blah blah blah", spanking kids is child abuse. Go figure. Some of the crap they say on the show, I do highly disagree with. I remember one episode where these prisoners were telling this prisoner's mom, that it wasn't her mom's fault that she ended up in prison and such... telling her not to blame her for what's happened. Uh... yes the it is her fault. The show is pretty harsh, but if those parents aren't gonna discipline their kids like they should... someone needs to.

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    This has to be the worst show I've ever seen. The main premise is innocuous: to try to keep kids from stealing and being in gangs by giving them a reality check. The way they ended up doing this was beyond offensive (which should be the real title of the show.) Instead of making the kids have heart to heart talks with prisoners about why they should change their behavior, they took them to the "alternative sexuality" ward and used gay and trans inmates as a boogeymen to scare kids out of going to prison. The guards often threatened the kids by telling them they would be raped (which is NEVER okay), and made derogatory comments about transgender inmates ("do you want to be in here with a man who wants to be a women?") I can't imagine how harmful this was to the teens in their program who happen to be gay, bi, and trans themselves (a percentage of them certainly are.) I was supposed to watch this show wanting the kids to turn their lives around and change their acts. Instead, I wanted to join the kids in punching out the oppressive prison guards and start a riot. If anyone needs to be taught a lesson, it is not the teens, it is the guards.

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