Bar Rescue
Bar Rescue
TV-PG | 17 July 2011 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    I love watching Bar Rescue. People who are clearly in need of rescuing.Not only their Bar but in many cases their reputations, their family, their profitability of course. People who are just trying to make a living, and more than anything, people who just need a good ole helping hand.I love watching John Taffer do what he does best, and that is tearing a person down only to begin building them back up. Like the Military you could say. Sure, he yells and screams at them in the beginning and rips their Bar apart usually for filth and sanitary purposes.But it has a purpose and that is the purpose of making them aware to what they are really doing, and how their actions or lack of are handicapping them.Bottom line for me is I enjoy watching people helping other people.John Taffer is a Great Guy who just want's the best for the people he's trying to help. Too bad there wasn't more people in the world today like Mr Taffer.Thank you Sir, you are an incredibly Good Man.

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    David Wilton

    The main character of this show is considered a hero for saving these bars. He is the reason why some bars that were about to close are still open today. Its also interesting that each episode is a new bar which means that there are many bars out there that need help. Across America this guy comes to the rescue and helps people who are failing. You guys did a good job thinking this show through and making it very interesting to watch. The fact that the show is still airing and continuing with more episodes is awesome.Sincerely, David Wilton

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    Oh man where to start, the idea is really good. It is nice to see such a reality show that fix things and gives recipes whether for food or drinks, but for god sake make me feel it's real !! the way you scream and humiliate people dude you're taking it so wrong. also please please please get a better equipment, I mean for real a camera man is following the bartender like right behind her!! and I should believe this is real ! this is so fake, put hidden cameras at least try harder to fool me. Now let's talk about the way the show goes such a cliché, same rhythm nothing different. I know exactly what's gonna happen by the time goes you get bored of the fake act you're doing. I became interested in the recipes you provide more than the "problem" that you're trying to fix. to finish this review, if you're a person who's gonna watch the show please make sure the volume is down because this guy screams a lot. Fake act it could be way better just take it to the next level and change the way you're directing this show.

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    Ever since I discovered Bar Rescue on Spike I watch it every time I can. John Taffer can be a hard headed S.O.B. but in the business of bar owning and operating you got to be damn near a General leading his troops into war against other Bars, Clubs, Pubs and All Night Spots. I used to work for a pub called Jenro's Classic Pub back in the mid to late 1990's. The owner boss and friend of mine Mike Lambaiso had the right idea but failed in a lot of other areas. What he got right was catering to the neighborhood the Pub was located in. A combination of Blue Collar, Armed Forces, and once in a great long while a few White Collar Corporate Types but not that many. Where he failed was not upgrading equipment and also not targeting younger hipper people with money. I worked every corner of the building. Bouncer, Barback, Doorman, Floater, House DJ, Kitchen Helper, Kitchen Cook when there was no cook, and Waiter if need be. Last position I held was outdoor Patio Bartender. I wish Bar Rescue had been around in 99 when the bar failed and was limping weakly towards 2000 when the name changed to Jenro's 2000. FAIL !!!! We had been booking bands and their friends and fans got too rowdy and out of control to the point of bar room brawl with bloodshed. I was the man who had the duty of calling 911 more than once and cleaned all the blood off the dance floor. We also had thieving Manager named Linda who was robbing the owner and customers blind deliberately. She finally quit when in August 99 she and the owner Mike had to work together behind the main bar. Talk about 2 Raging Bulls in a pin and he caught her more than once stealing from customers change and shoving it in her purse. She did her count out after work and left on an "F U Mike". Afterwards in September through October people she chased off started coming back but it was too little too late and Mike sold out in November 99 and Jenro's was history.

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