Axe Cop
Axe Cop
TV-MA | 21 July 2013 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Charles Herold (cherold)

    I'm not really a big fan of the sort of meta cartoons you see on Adult Swim. Most of them just seem really stupid. The only one I ever cared for at all was Sealab Something-or-other. But for some reason, I just *love* the very meta Axe Cop. I love it because it acts like it's the stream-of-consciousness ramblings of a hyper 8-year-old brought to life. It makes no sense, but it makes perfect dream sense. It is often quite heartless and always wildly funny. There have been two seasons so far and only a handful of episodes per season, so while it is possible that this joke could get old eventually, at this rate I could watch it for years.

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    Jon Werewoof Korte

    I have never laughed harder at any cartoon I've ever watched in my life. The Amazing World of Gumball can really hit my funny bone, too, as it has several flashes of brilliance I don't often see in other cartoons. But for me, nothing holds a candle to Axe Cop. It's just so meteorically stupid. It only takes one minute till I'm laughing like an idiot at the sheer naivety, imagination, and format-bending splendor that goes on in every single episode. Each one is ridiculously action-packed, action conceived only by a young boy whose imagination speaks for just about every young boy's imagination, ever. Now, I generally don't like action-packed shows or movies, because often times it's taken SUPER- SERIOUSLY by directors--directors who are adults, mind you. Eventually, the insane action becomes absolutely mind-numbing, and the only thing that can fix that is action that is MORE insane... it's like heroin to some people, maybe Michael Bay. But Axe Cop walks over all serious adult action, doing it better than everyone else, no less as a cartoon. It IS taken seriously, but by a kid. And because it's conceived by a kid, it's not just absolutely off-the-wall bizarre action, it's GENUINE.Cheap philosophies aside, this show hits my funny bone, every time. The icing on the cake is its TV-MA rating: there's no bad language and no sex, just blood every now and then. That alone shows it was written largely by a kid, and what a lucky kid he is.I won't go into details, because describing the plot line of any episode is exactly like trying to retell the story your son brought to his show and tell. It's just a gem. If you don't laugh at Axe Cop, you haven't lived: you have simply existed.

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    This is, without a doubt, the worst cartoon I've seen in my life. I suspect that the makers of this show have purposely inflated the IMDb rating for it, because I just don't see how anyone could rate it anything more than 1 star.It's terrible.They think that they're being clever by being random. But see, randomness in and of itself is not funny. Adult Swim shows can have a level of crazy randomness, but the episodes are usually about something. What Axe Cop tries to do is copy Adult Swim but take randomness to a point where that's all it is. There's nothing funny or clever about it.Axe Cop should have been called "Deus Ex Machina: The Show", because its randomness gives it virtually no form or restriction(yes, that's always a bad thing). For example, a character can suddenly have fire powers or move the entire earth without those powers ever being previously established and without any explanation. The Axe Cop is surrounded by enemies? Well now he has the power to cover the earth in fire that only kills all the bad guys! It's not funny or amusing because every second of every episode is just like that. There's a reason children usually don't write for TV or Film because their imaginations are random and have no substance. I guess the creators and the idiot executives at Fox thought that this time they'd "think outside the box" and hire a kid and his older brother to write a cartoon for them. This goes to show just how out-of-touch some of these executive goons are.Don't bother watching this show. Go outside or read a book; don't lower your already low standards and let this crappy show melt your brain.

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    diggus doggus

    A Great Show!Unfortunately some people won't get it; A shot explanation is that it's meant to be confusing, over the top and nonsensical. The madness of the show isn't just the protagonist, Axe Cop, being so called because he has an axe, it's that it's totally feasible for these characters to "take a dinosaur" instead of "take a taxi", and more so when the destination is another planet, not just "down the block".Frankly i've had enough of characterisation always trying to be the "more cool than the guy before, with extra shoulder spikes", ad i find refreshing the positively childish attitude with which the show is scripted.So i'm totally cool with Axe Cop's partner being "Flute Cop", and i'm thankful that it's this writing team that did this show, because if someone else with your run-of-the-mill writing talent would have done this show, it would have been Axe Cop and Shotgun Cop, or Axe Cop and Fire Girl, or Axe Cop and Axe Spy, and so on and so on.Great show - but Bob's Burgers is still better.My vote : 8/10 - for those who "get it".

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