| 15 December 1983 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Another case of a show I really enjoyed as a kid being taken off the air rather quickly. Whatever a kid enjoyed to watch back in the 70's and 80's always seemed to get the quick hook back then. This one is brought to us by the same guy who did "Buck Rogers" and the lesser known "Manimal". It also came on about the same time as the latter. The show was about a computer guy who somehow creates this strange computer dude or brings him into this world, can not remember so well now as I have not seen the show in a very long time. What I remember the most about this one though is the cool car which I debated with a kid at school was faster than the car on "Knight Rider". Which how there was any debate for anybody who has seen both shows is beyond me this car went so fast and could do 90 degree turns for crying out loud. I also remember "Automan" losing his power whenever more machines and such were used. The effects were very Tron-like and not bad for a television show made back in the 80's. Why shows such as these got such a quick hook is beyond me, well not really my guess is they just cost to much to produce as opposed to the quirky comedies that usually went on way to long (Happy Days anyone).

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    I remember this weak show. I had high hopes for it, as a closet fan of computers. I remember using an Apple II Plus in 7th grade math class, and we owned an original Macintosh. Computers were a slowly growing trend at the time, and few used them in any frequency. Now we all use them daily. This show ranks up there against the super-motorcycle cop show (the one that flew), "Viper", and Manimal... another in the long line of knight-rider wannabes. There is no spoiler that could be given, even if I wanted to. The show was weak, and deserved the toss into cancellation hell that it got. The slow shot, then sped-up car chase scenes were so obvious, as to be funny. This could have been so much better.

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    Oslo Jargo (Bartok Kinski)

    I can't believe how dreadful and boring this TV series is and am not surprised that ABC canned this show. Each episode wastes time in explaining how automan was created by some early tech geek played by Arnaz. Automan is a holographic creation played by a boring Swedish model. Along the line the same bad guys are hounded by the spectacular crime duo...yawn. Everything about this show is just tepid and dull. I can't see anyone staying up late at night and becoming excited about this predicable rubbish.

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    darren caschera

    Hello,I would like to say i watched each and every episode of Automan and i really loved!! the show till the network decided to remove it for some odd reason, as they did with The Greatest American Hero in which i loved alot too. The show was really cool!! I wish it would come back on TV for all to c again.. It was a different show and it was unique thats what made it special..So many great shows came on and left like it was yesterday.. I specially got a kick out of Cursor whom made the show also and made everthing for Chuck Wagner.. Bottom line is it was a great sci-fi adventure for all to watch at that time and i loved it.. So tks for reading this and whom knows the networks make sequels all the time on different shows maybe they could possibly bring back this great show, they never gave it a chance!!!!

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