Atomic Train
Atomic Train
| 16 May 1999 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    If you want a considered, thoughtful movie about the dangers of transporting nuclear waste, don't bother.If you want a few hours of mindless fun, explosions, "drama," cheesy special effects and "Denver" biting it, then you're good.The plot holes are huge, the script weak, the situation completely unrealistic and the special effects are what you'd expect for early-200s television. But it's fun. I enjoyed it. I liked seeing Kristen Davis in a role completely different than her "Sex and the City" role (she actually kicks a little butt and has a nice no-BS attitude). And I'm always up for a fun disaster movie. Worth watching if you've got nothing better to do on a dreary Sunday afternoon.

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    Mike Cox

    Are you telling me that amongst all the other awfulness of this there really is a character called Phister? You sure they didn't mean the director or the writers? Well, it fits with the rest of it, I guess. As I need ten lines of text, so it says in the rules,to make a review I'll try and think of some more to say about this farrago. First, in fairness mode we can say that much of the camera-work isn't at all bad if at times repetitive. Shows us some nice travelogue views, too. But just when you think that O.K., here comes the heroic resolution, this is going to be the bit where virtue triumphs and the bad guys(unseen and possibly non-existent - mind you, I couldn't stick it to the end)are heroically thwarted. Pelion upon Ossa to no effect - oi ve.Mike

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    If ever 'made for TV' were a euphemism for 'crap' here's the justification. Nobody who knows how to act plays booty with a script that was written on a beermat. It's the cliché express. All the characters do wrong things for the right reasons or right things for the wrong reasons, such is moral courage. They'll never abandon their families or let down their buddies. The bomb isn't going to go off and the hero and heroine are not going to die. If you watch 5 minutes; you see the whole movie.Anoraks may enjoy the railway stuff, and America's big outdoors is sometimes seen to good effect.Can't Recommend A Purchase.

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    Actually this movie isn't so bad for a Made for TV Action Movie. Of course everything was over the top and the acting was sub par. It was the type of movie that if it can go wrong it will. You keep asking yourself can anything go right for these People????? and then nothing goes right for them. It is just one of those movies you have to watch and let the mind wander and enjoy this movie is best watched if you have a big storm outside and you can't go anywhere so might as well sit back and have fun.Of course there are plot holes you can drive a Steam Train Through. But what Made for TV movie doesn't. Some Charters are droped before the first half of the movie is over and you never see them again and you go through the rest of the movie wondering if they will ever show up again.My biggest gripe of the movie is some of the actions of the Charters get them into the Problems they have. If only they follow the Rules or directions this movie wouldn't have had the same Ending it did. Just following the Rules would of caused the Train to have a happy ending.But don't worry it is a Great time killer full of hammy acting and Cheap FX.

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