Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations
Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations
| 25 July 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    You know why this is the best travel show on TV ever? Well, maybe 'cause it literally doesn't follow any other rules in guidebook which makes all of the travel shows seem fancy..I am not saying gourmet food is bad or traveling in a schedule is bad. But, Anthony Bourdain truly shows the audience how to enjoy each & every aspect of the place you visit.While nearly covering every inch of the globe during the show's telecast this is one of a kind traveling show you don;t wanna miss if you are a foodie, traveler or just looking for some relaxing entertainment on your TV set after a long day at work with a cold beer in hand (just keep the local restaurant on speed dial)..Summary:- Best fu**ing travel show in TV history & Bourdain is da man..

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    Anthony Bourdain does something no one else does. He shows how the regular people live and gives us a glimpse into the real culture and real thoughts of people in other countries. It is a glimpse that is not filtered through the over-simplified American media machine. It provides context through the brief history segments on each show, then goes on to tell it like it is. This is a form of bravery we don't see on our televisions, news, etc. which is largely controlled by corporate interests. It is a breath of fresh air! Through getting to know the real story, and the real people, he is creating understanding, and conditions for peace in the world. Thank you Anthony Bourdain! We just purchased every show you have ever made.

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    A very enjoyable host (even though half of the show is spent throwing Americans under the international bus) and his program is always worth a look (regardless whether he paints himself as the only GOOD American or not). The charm of 'No Reservations' leans heavily on Anthony's hubris - his haughtiness makes for fantastic entertainment. We get it, Americans don't know squat! I will say that this is definitely not a show I would use as a reference while traveling overseas. Could you imagine going into one of these places he visited and saying something like, 'I saw this on Tony's Show.' The reply may end up being something like, 'There is only ONE good American and you are not him – you ignorant pond-scum – I spit on you.' This is a show targeting an audience who wishes NOT to travel overseas. OK OK - Maybe I am going bit over-board and probably acting too mean (I guess 'No Reservations' is rubbing off a little). As an international traveler myself and one who has lived overseas, 'The Ugly American' is something witnessed very often and reflects disgustingly on the rest of us (yes Tony – there are actually other Americans who travel and are not making fools of ourselves). Oh and here is a bit of a cautionary note, 'The Ugly _______ (fill in the blank)' – shockingly - has worldwide applications AND is not limited to fellow Americans. Anyways - all-in-all the show is enjoyable and Mr. Bourdains' edgy presentation makes it very watchable. I know that I would miss this show very much if they ever pulled the plug on it and would miss Anthony's flippant demeanor even more. On a weekly basis I do tend to cringe at some of his thankless views of Americans but maybe that is part of his attraction. He is more than welcome in my home via TV – although - I do not think I could handle a face-to-face meeting.

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    It is interesting and very entertaining. You don't expect some things and the insights about foreign culture are original when compared to other shows. Sure some things are said with sarcasm or hyperbole, but that s how he writes his narrative.Cool show. Cool guy. The production values are good BTW. Remember, in these types of narrated shows most stuff is intentional.The show is original and every episode is different. See the episode on Russia if you want to see the show at its best.Final rating: 10 out of 10 and the best show on the travel channel for all the above reasons.

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