American Inventor
American Inventor
| 16 March 2006 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Steve Easton

    So in this age of reality TV, someone thought it'd be a good idea to cross Dragon's Den with American Idol.Dragon's Den is a British TV programme where business men and women pitch their ideas to a panel of multi-millionaires in the hope of getting investment/help. Their advice is constructive (if often rude), and the program is mainly about the ideas themselves and why they will/won't work.American Inventor is more about the people pitching the ideas than the ideas themselves. The point seems to be to show just how stupid many of the applicants are, and to publicly humiliate them. Those who are successful are shown weeping and hugging each other. It's all enough to make me vomit.

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    The concept is excellent. The execution typifies the overall quality of the ABC network.Apart from Peter Jones it appears that the rest of the panel consist of marketing execs. rather than real entrepreneurs.When I realised that Peter Jones was getting together with Simon Cowell my initial thoughts were wow he's gonna take America by the balls. But it appears that ABC have come along and destroyed the concept.I was an absolute addict of the Dragons Den in the U.K. and was interested to see that Peter Jones had manipulated the concept that originated in Japan and developed his own show for the States. The result is neither inspiring nor informative.If you lack drama in your life you have a choice now… Jerry Springer or the American Inventor To sum it up: a struggling musician selling out to a media mogul.Idea: get me! And I'll produce a show worthy of the title

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    Mark Mardoyan

    Let me start with, What is wrong with you people, have you forgotten the basics of making TV? When I first heard of The American Inventor, I said to my self, wow, what a great idea, just couldn't wait till it got on the air. Well, it deputed and what an disappointment. How can a group of producers and show creators take such a great show idea and just trash it. My guess, Some one at ABC said, we need drama, look at Extreme home make over , look at all the tears, it brings in ratings, that's what we want you to do. Wrong. That's the wrong direction for this show. I have been producing TV shows for the past 20+ years, I'm giving you my advise for free, use it.You have a great concept, keep it light, keep it positive, and make it funny, not dramatic. It's more interesting for the audience at home for you to show one stupid invention after another rather then showing people crying and teary eyes. This show has a great potential for a great laughter, use it to your advantage, it will do wonders to your ratings. People have enough drama in their day to day lives, they can use a great comedy relief..The show structure that you are using, no thanks to some idiot from ABC, is the wrong one for your show.The rest of the problems are minor, poor art directions, the set is just poor, the show identity is just not up to par, lighting, just poor, this is one of the worst lit shows I've seen in a long time. Just toooo much drama, this show just doesn't need it. Best of luck to you. Hopefully next time you will listen to your heart, not to someone from ABC that just doesn't have enough creativity, nor experience.

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    This show has been described as sort of a cross between "American Idol" and Thomas Edison. A lot of really intense and dedicated tinkerers explain why their invention should be "the the next big thing" to a panel of four judges--one Brit, one woman, one quintessential New York ad-man type, and one bespectacled male inventor with a penchant for harsh criticism and tacky Hawaiian shirts.Sometimes I feel for those who poured all their time and resources into an interesting product only to have their hopes dashed by two "NO" votes; sometimes I wonder why no one who truly cared about the would-be inventor didn't just clue him/her in that their product/idea was seriously messed up. Yes, guy who invented a cape/covering so people could urinate in public, I'm talking about you! It's especially difficult to see children's ideas shot down. I really feel for the contestants who poured money that they obviously couldn't spare into an idea that only they can see the value of. I also would like more time spent on the viable contraptions and less time spent showing disappointed contestants crying, but any show that makes the point that not all Americans are just sitting mindlessly in front of their televisions or passively buying whatever products that are out there. Creativity and innovation are alive and well--and often weird!

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