American Hot Rod
American Hot Rod
| 23 April 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Vatzhiz Name

    Well one of a few shows on custom build vehicle shops. Born and raised in the states and 12 years as a mechanic before getting a Masters degree and moving into the international business world. I must say this shop is poorly run. Sure nice looking results, but pathetic management, Boyd is a self righteous man who believes because he has a name making "pretty" cars he has some sort of insight into the rest of life. And if he makes a bad decision he is too pig headed to back down and get back on track, instead he makes people work insane hours and questions "teamwork" if they don't agree with him. As for Dwayne (or Duane who ever), a sad excuse for a shop manager. Lots of hot air and tough guy silliness. Basically the whole show gives us insight into nice looking cars being made but it would be much more interesting seeing them progress without half-wits making comments.

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    Why on earth did Boyd dump his first wife for that Jo dame? All she does is walk around looking good and flirting with the employees. Example; when Charlie left, she had to have a closed door farewell session with him. I think Boyd should get back with his first wife, and let the young chick go. And in addition to booting her, he could get rid of those horrid floral shirts. I think that the show would be more interesting if they would just build cars, and dispense with the trite drama. What is the job of the new Black guy? What is his talent? Maybe comic relief? Many people don't like Boyd, but I think he was right when he fired blue bear and Mike.

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    I don't know if I will put in a spoiler or not but this show is absolutely the worst and now Boyd has figured out how to get rid of his number one nemesis, Diane, "the ex-wife" by selling off the wheel portion of the shop. He showed his disdain for her every time he could, and his preference of his new wife and never tried to cover it. He bitches about her every time he has a chance. So when she was all misty eyed when the wheel shop moved out what was his comment to her, "Have a good life." I guess I shouldn't expect anything better from this piece of work. He expects his workers to call him god and do every hair brained thing he comes up with. That is one hell of a load for a bunch of adult meant to put up with and work under and then they give up their weekends nearly every week. That's expected for people who own businesses but what employee expects to work 350 days a year? Yes it's more money but it's not their business so why should they give up their life to him? The only guy that made this show worth watching was Roy and he has passed away, too bad. It is absolutely the worst show ever. Not only does it not stack up with American Chopper it doesn't stand up to the cartoons. Boyd has lost so many employees I suspect the producers gave up on him. If so, Hooraayyy! I have since found out that Roy died on a Wednesday. Boyd, the owner, authorized payment to Roy's estate for Monday and Tuesday but not for the rest of the week. His comment, well he didn't work those days. He can't even give the estate the income from those three days Roy missed due to death. Just how "cheap" is Boyd? Not a guy with very many scruples in this watchers mind. Just recently saw Mike on Overhaulin. I have to wonder how many ex-Boydsters are going to be working with groups that have their own television program. hhhhmmmmmmmmm????????????

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    Most people that have heard of American Chopper, you know, Paul Teutel Sr. And Jr. making Custom Bikes might have heard of this show, the show that is known so well in many ways as something like "It's just a ploy taking advantage from the success of American Chopper to get Money".That is probably true, but this show is just a little fleshier, it has more to it. One thing, the second-worst thing about this Television show is the DRAMA. It's so scripted it's tedious. I mean, we just see them going on and on, not really building bikes, people get fired, and in between that they find some run-down piece of **** and rebuild it. It could be said that the reason for all of this trashy melodrama is because a Car takes so much longer to build than a Chopper, therefore they have to get people to bite, taking advantage of the oh so annoying Melodrama spawned from the evil known as Fox's reality shows.What I mean by this show is that it is a hate it for it's knock-off, take advantage of success of American Chopper, and scripted melodrama, or like it for the fact they build cars. It won't last for the reasons of hating, but hey... it could... do... some good... some day... maybe... later.

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