TV-MA | 25 April 1997 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    It's not supposed to be good, for God's sake! The only reason anyone should consider watching this, is if they enjoy watching hot anime chicks run around and beat up some bad guys. The story sucks. The 'acting' sucks. Nearly everything sucks, except it is some of the most beautiful anime I have seen. If the girls didn't look so good, Aika would be totally unbearable to watch. You might as well turn off the sound.If your only idea of good anime is, for example, Fullmetal, Gundam Wing, DBZ, Sailor Moon, Naruto, or other 'good' series (depending on your opinion), don't watch Aika. Ever.Aika is definitely not Hentai. But it's pretty darn close. Let's just say that a teenage boy would definitely not want to watch this if his mother is around. Unless they have some strange family relationship.If you like Aika, I recommend you check out Knights of Ramune.

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    This is a satire of all the sexist nonsense from female-hero anime and carries over to a lot of female-hero films you see today.Sexist camera angles are taken to extremes in this series, actually to the point of being funny rather than annoying like they are in so many productions. The transformation into a magical form that so often includes a hint that the person might be naked midway through now not only leaves no doubt but the machine causing the transformation actually grows hands and starts pulling clothes off her.Not that women are the only objects of ridicule in this. The evil mastermind come creepy voyeur is so camp he should be teaching a masterclass in the subject.

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    Sometime in the future. In Japan two friends, Aika and Rion, are digging for lost treasures in the sea with a help of their submarine. The job is not doing too well. But one day their paths cross with an evil madman called Hagen who wants to destroy the earth with a help of strange substance called Lagu. His goal is to save himself ( and a lot of women ) in a spaceship before the catastrophe and to rebuild the world later...with his children. Of course, Aika and Rion will stop him.Now, what to say about "Aika"? It's nonsense, but it's an amusing kind of nonsense. The people who claim this is "the worst anime in history" are exaggerating it a lot. The sci-fi action story is one huge fun ride in which you just have to relax and enjoy because it has many highlights: gadgets, spaceships, a bad guy who has a love relationship with his sister, a charming girl with glasses...--------- Yes, the story has too much "fan service"( camera angles are always placed on the ground so they can catch the slips of women )but at the same time the characters are just so sweet you are willing to forgive every flaw. Just look at Rion. In one scene she is captured by the evil Hagen in a spaceship. Every crew member is a woman. Suddenly Hagen offers Rion a valuable role in the new post apocalyptic earth if she agrees to have his children( just like every crew member agreed ). But Rion gets furious beyond words and, among others, says: "You men are all the same! You just want one thing only!" I found that to be hilarious. I'm still not too fond of Aika's diadem that creates some kind of a super-woman out of her( although Rion likes it claiming she looks like a super hero )and leaves the story too sci-fi driven."Aika" is a weird comedy but it works.Grade: 6/10

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    Agent Aika plays like an animated Russ Meyer movie. It's perfect 1:00 AM entertainment and great way to play 'count-the-panties' (you won't be able to keep up). I suggest watching the subtitled version, as the dub verges on unlistenable. Just kick back and have fun with this flick. DON'T TAKE IT SERIOUSLY!!!!

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