A.D. The Bible Continues
A.D. The Bible Continues
| 05 April 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    A series about the events immediately after the crucifixion sounded daring and interesting, since there are way too many cinematic stories about everything that happened "before" and "during".I was therefore intrigued by the first episode and curious to see how the apostles were going to regroup. But episode after episode, I found the story unfolding in a most irritating way.Here we go with the usual brutal Roman repression (see Nazi in occupied countries or the evil empire) and Jewish plotting (don't even need to write more about that).The apostles seem stubborn, directionless, incapable of actually preaching anything that makes sense and still able to gather followers. Enter Saul and the show sort of pick up a bit, just to crumble miserably with the arrival of Caligula. History tells us that Caligula became emperor in 37 BC and did not start losing it until the following year. But the show needed the usual OTT villain and who better than the Roman emperor arriving in Jerusalem in 33 BC?On the other hand, if they just want to re-write history, why using episodes from the gospel? I refer especially to the very controversial one with Ananias and Sapphira. In this episode, an elderly couple sells a piece of land and gives part of the profit to the Christians to be allowed to live with them.However, they lie when they say they gave all the money, as they kept some aside just in case. But the holy spirit acts as a ruthless robber: "Give me ALL your money or I kill you" and the couple dies a horrible death for having dared keeping a little money aside (... actually.... maybe it was for lying, but it does seems a disproportionate punishment).Not the most endearing, loving statement from the newborn Christian movement...I am not surprised there was no a second series, since this one was bad in so many way...

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    I am a Catholic and have hard time reading bible. This series showed a real meaning of who I am.

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    I just watched this in Netflix and was sad to know that it did not get a second season! This is an amazing portrayal of the lives of Christ's apostles and followers after his crucifixion and resurrection. Some things are clearly fictionalized or are done with artistic license, but there's enough biblical stuff in the show to make it realistic. You really feel like you were there with them, as they struggle to find their way after Jesus' ascension. The production values are amazing and the costumes are high end. It's a great show to watch. It's really too bad it got canceled. But I read it might get revived in an OTT channel at some point.

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    I find it funny how opinions usually found on this type of thing are either one way or the other; this is a bad series because it doesn't stick true to the source material or it's an amazing series because it's about the early church and we Christians love these kind of programmes for us! I have to say neither of those are the case. It is exciting as a Christian to see the story you love interpreted on the screen, but we should take it at that, an interpretation. A.D is a pretty good one at that.Firstly the extra filler and character development not from the Bible, all this adds to experience of first century Jerusalem created here. I would say it is true to the story enough, nothing major is taken out and nothing added deviates from the message of the Bible. The representation of the characters and their different issues I feel does help flesh out the story; Pilate's conflicts and motives, Saul's passionate obsession for truth, the disciples' fear and imperfect attempts help make this a relatable human story of sinners who are saved by grace. I praise the brave and probably accurate move for the multi- ethnic casting. this area of the world was and still is the meeting place of cultures from Europe, Africa and Asia. I really feel this helps add depth to their backgrounds and their setting.But to the other end of the spectrum, it's not amazing just because it's a Bible film and I'm a Christian. Production values are clearly low, there's some cringy script-writing and some performances are just plain bland. There are some exceptions, Pilate, Saul, Peter and Stephen really stand out as characters but others are forgettable. There are situations where there just seems to be line reciting in dramatic voices! This really doesn't help show the reality of this story as often I'm left thinking 'in that situation they would not talk like that's!' Also is the cheesy atmospheric music really necessary over everything? Often it removes me from the immersive experience and reminds me I'm watching a cheesy Christian TV series.But overall I've enjoyed it, I've learned from it and considered some of these well known characters differently. Any media that manages that must be doing something right so it's well worth a watch!

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