9/11: The Falling Man
9/11: The Falling Man
| 01 January 0001 (USA)


A very well done film but has the same gaping blindspot that it subtly accuses American society of having. It accuses society for not confronting the reality of the "jumpers," yet commits a far worse affront by not mentioning,even once, the people who were responsible for the horror! The name Osama bin Ladin was mentioned quickly as part of an amalgamation of broadcasts. It is infuriating that even a documentary purporting to shine the light on uncomfortable truths, perpetuates the outrage of not referring to Islamic terrorism. The filmmakers, like the media and politicians in general, do their own reckless airbrushing and whitewashing of history. Wouldn't it be nice if the very people encouraging us to "call a spade a spade" actually practiced their own exhortation!

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A very moving and revealing documentary in which a photographer and a journalist both try to establish the identity of a man captured in a photo, having fallen or jumped from one of the WTC towers. The film presents a very poignant fact about the jumpers and those who fell to their deaths: They made a choice to do this rather than burn to death. And for some reason, their actions disturbed many to the point where we don't like to talk about it. Some people have "judged" them as committing the unpardonable sin. I do not wish to trample on the religious beliefs of anyone, but I will say this. I would have chosen jumping had I been in that situation. The thick smoke and intense heat was more hideous to them than leaping into fresh air, as one husband commented. "It must have felt like flying." Let us not stigmatize the jumpers and those who fell. They were not "bad" people because they died this way. These people have weighed heavily on my mind for a few days since the anniversary. Just something to think on...

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This documentary was excellently constructed, but is not easy to watch. Sometimes it made me feel a bit sick, sometimes I felt just plain empty. The ambition of the documentary is worthwhile, to find the falling man's identity, and that is what originally got me interested. It was exciting - as exciting as it would be to know who the Unknown Soldier is.But the message at the end of the documentary is what really counts.Some of the interviews with the family members will make you cry, and the raw emotion - the cries of people on the streets of New York watching people jump out the windows is heartbreaking. Hearing the horror inside people's throats is something that makes me shiver, because it is very real.Sometimes this documentary is unbearable, but it was important to watch. It was a tasteful and moving depiction of life and death and I personally found it very poignant.

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That horrific day I was staying at a B&B in my hometown while visiting my parents. I had just gotten up and dressed, walked into the kitchen where my hosts were with thoughts on my mind of local politics, when I saw the image of the burning towers on their TV set. It was hard to take in at first, it was so like something out of a disaster movie. When it finally did hit me I was immediately in tears and wanted to get on the phone to my brother-in-law in San Francisco. With the reporters talking about other airliners missing and that they were headed for other possible targets, I immediately thought of the Trans-America building in San Fransisco, a familiar part of that city's sky-line, which Dave's office building is right next door too. Thank God he was all right and San Francisco wasn't under any immediate danger. The rest of that day was like walking in a dream - a nightmare - and I suddenly realised how people like my parents (my mum was pregnant with me at the time) had felt when the Cuban Missile Crisis took place in 1962. I mentioned that to some other younger people who had never even heard of that event which nearly lead to a nuclear war. I wonder if their grandchildren will hear of this one? This documentary made me take a very hard look at the people who were there and had to make a choice that many of us hope we never have to - jumping to our deaths to save ourselves from a more horrible one. Everyone should take a look at this program because these people deserve to be remembered for their heroism as much as the firefighters, police and ambulance workers who lost their lives that day. It will truly make a person look deep inside themselves and ask what they would have done.

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