48 Hours
48 Hours
TV-14 | 19 January 1988 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    48 hours like Dateline makes exposes of criminal cases mostly to use violence to titillate for entertainment. The dark side of viewers are fascinated by murder and violence. The same viewers as programs like Criminal Minds and Reaper. Just because it's made by so called journalists doesn't give it any class. Secondly the program tries to shape false public perceptions such as violence is mostly a problem of upper class whites. The viewers can feel superior to the evil rich guy who murdered his family. So it's propaganda promoted by the far left like most TV today. The program kills about a dozen leftist birds with one stone. Rich bad, white bad, male bad, minorities don't do that, criminal system good, women victims, lawyers good, journalists good, CBS classy.

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    Seth Landers

    These are one of those shows that keep you hooked until the end. The suspense is also really well done. The best time to watch this is at night, it's really a great experience. You sometimes don't know whether the cases get resolved at the conclusion.It is a intriguing show that is edited in such a sure-handed way. You hear different sides to the story, from the authorities to lawyers and from criminals to the friends & family of the victim(s). There's a lot that goes on within that hour!48 Hours Mystery and 48 Hours on ID are the ones I like the most but the original 48 Hours is just as great as its successors. The genres are mixed so well, like drama and sometimes horror, and I'm glad there are so many to watch. If you don't have/use DVR for your cable, you can easily find full episodes on YouTube and the CBS News website. Give it a watch and you'll want to know more about the story in each episode from beginning to end.

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    This documentary series badly needs to be renamed.Nova, Horizon and Panorama could all show almost any of these episodes - although this show does focus almost exclusively on murder cases that were unclear, at least initially, as to the culprit and/or have questionable witness, police or prosecutors.I find many of these cases to be frustrating, at best. Innocent people are harmed and never get justice, and least not swiftly and, to my way of thinking, that isn't actually just.Sadly, most of these cases highlight the ignorance, stupidity, biases and incompetence surrounding all aspects of those participating in the legal system. It boggles the mind how often those in charge make life-altering decisions on cases on a whim, or from bias, incompetence or laziness, and then stand behind those bad choices come hell or high water. Often committing crimes beyond perjury to cover up their errors, often aiding criminals and often causing great harm to innocents.All in all its a dose of reality for those who see the world through rose coloured glasses.

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    I was watching 48 Hours on Saturday nights because they focus on murder cases like Katherine Woods case and others on a weekly basis. They go into detail of a case, talk with suspects, witnesses, friends, relatives, and others about the case as well as the prosecutors, policemen, and defense attorneys. They also help us understand the community and environment where these crimes happen. Of course, they talk about injustices, legal talk, and the case at hand. Trials can be both boring and exciting at the same time. The show has changed from being investigative to focusing on one subject to help us understand the story which is always reality. It's always frightening how potent the truth can be. How people who look like you and me could be involved in such horrendous crimes? Especially when the victim is close member of the family, spouse, friend, etc. Recently, they had done the Napa murders and are going to do an hour on the Atlantic City Murders which has not been solved. They also follow up on cases like the Katherine Woods case too.

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