13 Commandments
13 Commandments
| 17 September 2018 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    This thirteen part Belgian crime thriller sees the police searching for an attacker who has been targeting people based on the Ten Commandments; each attack is accompanied by the appropriate commandment. While the attacks are brutal they are not fatal... that of course would break the commandment against killing. The attacker, dubbed 'Mozes' gains some sympathy amongst those who believe society has moved too far from Christian Ideals. The investigation is led by Peter Devriendt and his new partner Vicky Degraeve; each of whom have their own problems. Peter's daughter seems to be somewhat off the rails and Vicky's mother is in hospital with no chance of recovery following a car accident some time before. As the investigation progresses there are inevitably some false leads and Vicky finds herself in real danger.Early on it looks as if this may be a Belgian 'Seven' but beyond the religious inspiration there are key differences; most notably that Mozes isn't a killer; something that makes a refreshing change amongst all the serial killer stories... that isn't to say he isn't brutal; his victims aren't going to fully recover. Towards the end things do get a bit melodramatic and there is a twist that some may feel goes too far. While some characters feel that Mozes's actions are justified the series makes it fairly clear that the creators don't expect viewers to sympathise with him too. The cast does a fine job with Dirk van Dijck and Marie Vinck impressing as Peter and Vicky; there is also in impressive supporting cast. Overall I'd certainly recommend this to anybody wanting a fairly dark crime drama.These comments are based on watching the series in Dutch with English subtitles.

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    Although the story sometimes seems disjointed, this is because there are flashbacks put in at odd places. But it all makes sense. This is worthy of binge watching but I would suggest something light every couple of episodes. It can be a little heavy, but it never bores. This isn't an action movie, it plods along at a steady pace. The characters evolve steadily as does the storyline. It needs to be watched carefully and not just glanced at.

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    This hard to follow Belgian series is one that does not lend itself to binge watching. It is hard to believe that such a level of incompetence would be tolerated in a police force anywhere in the world. There are many parallel plots and sub-plots to the point where it's all too confusing. I could not see the point of the series and was unable to finish it. Perhaps it was intended mainly for a Belgian audience as it does not appear to have much global appeal.

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