Zombie Driftwood
Zombie Driftwood
| 09 December 2010 (USA)
Zombie Driftwood Trailers

When a cruise ship full of Caribbean tourists turn into zombies two metal fans must battle against zombie Armageddon armed only with a baseball bat, booze... and bagpipes.

Kevin Haddow

I can only think those reviews giving this film good marks were written by the production staff. This film is really not very good, and I love zombie movies, even many low budget ones. The acting is absolute rubbish, and probably spoils the film more than anything else. The special effects are the kind pretty much any college film students can surpass.Do yourself a favour and avoid this, there are much funnier, better acted and scarier low budget zombie movies out there, such as Fido and Dario Argento's Demons 1&2 from way back in the 80s. It kind of says something about how bad this is, that it is far worse than low budget zombie films that are approaching 30 years old. Half of the audience at the horror film festival went for something to eat, or catch up on some sleep, rather than watch this appalling film and I can't say I blame them, I wish I had too.Seriously, avoid.

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Jill Smith

I am a huge zombie film fan and I have to say this one is unwatchable. It is not funny, scary, clever or even so bad it's good. This is just low rent garbage with nothing to offer at all.If you want a funny zombie film go watch: Shaun of the Dead, Army of darkness , Evil Dead 1&2, Dellamorte Dellamore, Zombieland ,Dead Snow, Black Sheep, Slither, Fido, Doghouse or Braindead/Dead Alive.If camp is not your thing and you want a scary or interesting film go watch: Dawn Of The Dead 2004 UNRATED, Dawn of the dead (1978),28 Weeks Later, The Dead Outside, Shock Waves, Outpost, Mulberry Street, Lifeforce, Deathwatch, Dead and Buried and of course Night of the Living Dead.

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This was a really funny film, I was pleasantly surprised. Saw the premier in London and I enjoyed it MUCH more than I expected to to be honest, and so did everyone round me - loads of chuckling going on.Heavy soundtrack but sort of fits in, lots of running jokes with old rockers so not just for young people. I think the bar man steals the show. CAn't believe it's so low budget - I mean it's obviously low budget but it doesn't look it - the production looks really classy (if that's possible with a zombie film!) Yes it's a weird concept but it works, and you don't have to be a zombie freak to enjoy it.

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Sgt Hatred

This is a very unusual and very funny film . It turns the usual idea of a zombie movie on it's head and introduces the idea of a bureaucratic response to an zombie attack on a tropical tourist island . The zombies are preserved by the passing of a law protecting the undead tourists . The acting is superb and the gags just keep coming . I was at the London screening on 19th November and heard the laughter rolling round the cinema a rare thing in the cinema these days .There are elements of Monty Python, Spike Milligan and even Carry On and I loved the soundtrack with the heavy metal band introduced by Adolf Hitler on the Z Fuctor .

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