X - He's Always Watching
X - He's Always Watching
| 18 February 2013 (USA)
X - He's Always Watching Trailers

The story of four characters who become intertwined with a tall, shadowy figure with a blank face and a suit that is thought to be behind recent disappearances of children. The link for the film is connected to the "Play the Trailer".

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Amanda H

So bad. Just really bad. Most of the film was jerky footage of the ground. Much of it was so dark you just couldn't see anything while the camera was bouncing around. The terrible audio composition had me constantly turning it up and down. I get that it's low budget, but did they even try? I'm SO angry that the creators would let anyone waste an hour of their life watching this and waiting for something interesting to happen.I have been required to put more effort into this review than was put into this entire movie. I did this to save you! Don't let the hour of my life I sacrificed be in vain. Save yourself!

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Rob Higgins

I won't say anything about the plot because I think this type of film has more effect if you know nothing about it. I will say this tho, I was scared. I had to watch a lot of it through my fingers. It's very suspenseful and has a few scares. The story is good (i didn't expect much of one) and the acting is pretty decent. The effects of the The Slender Man were pretty surprising for such a low budget film. If you're a fan of Handycam movies then i'm sure this one won't disappoint. It looks very much like the game which also i found rather scary. You only get brief glimpses of The Slender Man but quite often it made me jump. If you're a horror fan like me then i'm sure you'd find it worth a watch.

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Of course you have to take in consideration pretty much everything when judging a movie, and first thing that comes to mind is the budget, but even with a micro one, The Slender Man is very bad.So, the plot, clearly could have been written by a 10 years old who saw some Freddy and Jason movies, it is so weak you won't believe it as it plays along. Characters were cardboard tops, no scares whatsoever, extremely little views of the Slender, very dumb decisions taken throughout the entire movie and one ending that will make you weep.I had my share of bad found footage, but this one is top 10 worst ones clearly. If the project itself was a hat too big, or it required a decent budget, then don't do this. Don't ruin it for others just so you can put your name on a movie called The Slender Man! It was horrible!Boring, bad, predictable and sad. Sorry to say so, but this one right here is an bad example of found footage. Cheers!

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Alain Kapel

A solid attempt at making a horror film about an urban legend called Slender Man (first time I heard about it, but it sounds kind of intriguing). I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the special effects used for depicting the Slender Man. Yes, he appears very briefly on screen, but looks well made (this is an extremely low-budget movie, so I wasn't expecting him to appear at all). The rest of the movie was just your standard "found footage" horror, unremarkable and mostly dull, only slightly more interesting toward the end.Can't say I would recommend this to anyone but hardcore fans of "found footage" horror movies like The Blair Witch Project. It's mostly boring and acting is unconvincing, but considering it's very low production standards, it could have been worse.

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