WWE SummerSlam 2004
WWE SummerSlam 2004
| 15 August 2004 (USA)
WWE SummerSlam 2004 Trailers

SummerSlam (2004) was the seventeenth annual SummerSlam PPV. It was presented by Stacker 2's YJ Stinger and took place on August 15, 2004 at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto, Ontario and featured talent from the Raw and SmackDown! brands. The main match on the Raw brand was Chris Benoit versus Randy Orton for the World Heavyweight Championship. The predominant match on the SmackDown! brand was John "Bradshaw" Layfield (JBL) versus The Undertaker for the WWE Championship. The featured matches on the undercard included Kurt Angle versus Eddie Guerrero and Triple H versus Eugene.


Match 1) Spike Dudley and the Dudleys Vs. Rey Mysterio, Paul London and Kidman. I found this match pretty long and boring. Not really giving two s#!+s about any of the wrestlers (excluding Mysterio of course) didn't help matters. As bland and boring as it was, it wasn't the worst of this pay per view. The Dudleys won but does anyone care? 3/10. They plays clips from Monday night Raw on how the next match/ love feud came about. Match 2) Matt Hardy Vs. Kane for Lita's pregnant hand in marriage with Kane's baby. Kane ceased being cool when he lost his mask and the dropped the hideously scarred face plot line, so I really wasn't looking forward to this match that much. Kane wins after an amazing choke slam, the only notable thing of the match. This causes Lita to run away 3/10. John Cena interrupts an interview with Randy Orton. Man I hate Cena. Match 3) Booker T Vs. wigger John Cena. After a lousy match, Cena wins 2/10.Theo Long and Eric Bischoff talk. Match 4) Batista Vs. Chris Jericho Vs. Edge in a Triple Theat Matchin a good match, then again it might have only looked good because of the lameness that came bore. 4/10. A promo for "Hard Knocks: the Chris Benoit Story" is shown. Match 5) Eddie Guerro Vs. Kurt Angle Good Ole' Kurt rarely disappoints in his matches and this one was no exception. Both are very capable technical wrestlers and it shows. Angle wins in one of the few bright spots of this PPV. 8/10. Clips of the events leading up to the next event are shown Match 6) Triple H beats Eugene in an alright match. Not really a Eugene fan. 5/10. Match 7) Diva Dodgeball. God the horror, the horror. Worse then a women's match (if such a thing is even possible) Simply horrid 0/10. Match 8) Undertaker Vs. JBL, after a good lengthy match JBL wins via disqualification, but Undertaker isn't done pummeling JBL yet. 8.5/10. Paramedics tend to JBL and cart him away. Commercial for Wrestlemania 21. Match 9) Randy Orton Vs. Chris Beniot. I like Orton's Motorhead theme song. Orton wins in a pretty tight match, becoming the World Champion. not the best match, but in the top 3 of the night 8/10 My Overall Grade:C-DVD Extras: 11 Summerslam Promos; Behind the scenes of said promos; 3 clips from the Sunday Night Heat before the PPV; Evolution reacting to Orton's Victory; Eddie Guerrero consoling Benoit after his match; The Diva contestants being interviewed; and Trailers for the Gamecube game "Day of Reckoning", "Cheating Death, Stealing Life: the Eddie Guerrero Story", & "Vengence 2004"

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Steve Donnachie

Summerslam has always been a pretty good card. This one had a few weak matches but overall it was a pretty good pay per view.1. Paul London,Billy Kidmen,Rey Mysterio vs the Dudley Boyz and Spike Dudley. This match was a classic example of speed vs Power. It started out pretty boring at first but then when the match began to speed up then it got better. London and Kidman are a overrated team. Mystero is still good to watch. The Dudleys need to add more speed to there matches. They appeared to have put on a few pounds in this match and that wasn't a good thing. Spike proved to be a pretty weak heel. Not the best match on the Summerslam card but not the worst. 4/10 2.Kane vs Matt Hardy. Well this match was kind of slow at first and the fans seemed not to care much that Kane dominated this match. This would be the last WWE pay per view for Matt Hardy following the whole Lita/Edge affair. Hardy put on a good match and Kane seemed to be enjoying being the heel and not the face. I won't tell ya whats gonna happen in the end. I give this match 7/10.3. John Cena vs Booker T. Not a bad match. COuld have been worse. Booker T proved he was the better wrestler in this match but the fans for some reason think Cenas gimmick is what makes him a good wrestler. WRONG. Cena may be good on the mic but take that away people wouldn't cheer the guy. Cena barely came out of this match alive. Still not the best match but not the worse. 6/10.4. Edge vs Y2J vs Batista. Pretty good match. A lot of heat for Edge from the fans. His hometown fans. Anyways Batista looked really slow in this match. It got good when Edge and Y2J got it on. Pretty good match. 5/10.5. Kurt Angle vs Eddie Guerrero. Awesome match. Angle and Guerrero show fans the way a wrestling match should be. Less punching and kicking,more holds and fast paced speed. Angle proved why he is the better wrestler in the WWE today. I give this match a 9/10.6. HHH vs Eugenne. OK match. But it got boring fast and predictable. Anoother HHH victory after getting help from Ric Flair. HHH needs to try to win a match for once by himself.7. Undertaker vs JBL. Not a good match at all. This was the slowest match of all and JBL proved why he can't wrestle. Undertaker had to carry JBL through this match who looked to have also put on more weight. This match got slower at the end and the outcome of this match proved why the WWE writers are getting desperate. this match will never be as good as matches like Kurt Angle vs Chris Beniot Brock Lesner vs Undertaker. 1/10 8. Randy Orton vs Chris Beniot. Pretty good match. Fast paced. There were a few missed spots and it started what was the shortest world title reign ever of Randy Orton. Still it was nice to see a clean match where are no wrestlers interfering. Chris Beniot proved why he was a great champion. 9/10.Good pay per view. Not the best but not the worst

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Max Brand3

I was very fortunate to watch Survivour Series this past Summer and this one PPV. It wasn't a bad show overall. There were some matches no one even cared for and they were matches that definitely was interest to some people. Toronto is a major hot bed for wrestling that's been around for over 50 years and it certainly had it's share of good stars worldwide coming there through the years. The WWE has certainly been a great support of the wrestling scene in Toronto and on this PPV the fans itself made that show even though we have the right to cheer or boo the kind of matches we like and don't like. The JBL & Undertaker match was the worst on the card and everyone in attendance didn't take interest in watching it and to show their protest they did the wave which the camera's didn't bother showing to the crowd. Many reports began complaining that the fans didn't care about the match but as I mentioned we the the fans have the right to boo or cheer on any match we like or don't like.

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This was definitely a great PPV with lots of good matches. Here is my review.6-man tag. DUDLEYS vs Kidman, London, and Mysterio. A good way to kick things off. As usual the dudleys are seemingly lacking the flair they used to have but still a good match. Rather bland ending though. 7 out of 10.Matt Hardy vs Kane, winner marries Lita. This match was just brutal. WWE really needs to give kane back his mask. 5 out of 10.Cena vs Booker T. 1st out of best of five series. Why is this match on PPV?Oh well. Still a good match that really made up for the last one. Booker seemed in my opinion, to be having some trouble doing his moves. 6 out of 10.Edge vs Y2J vs Batista. Triple threat for IC title. Very weird how Edge was booed in his hometown. Not the best triple threat match, but still a good one. It seemed that there was never a scene where all three men were in the ring at once. 7 out of 10.Kurt Angle vs Eddie Guerrero. Awseome match. Very technical. Kurt seemed to be at the top of his game here and Eddie was not that far behind. Was not predicting Eddie tapping out though. I thought the angle slam would put him away. 9 out of 10.HHH vs Eugine. This match would have been 10 times better if they made it a NO DQ match (I am not copying material, I just have the same thoughts). Eugine is not a good wrestler, he is just really entertaining. I laughed so hard when he did the stunner. Good match. 8 out of 10Diva dodgeball. Good grief this was stupid. 1 out of 10.Undertaker vs JBL WWE championship. I thought this match was going to suck but I was wrong. Undertaker was 100% on the top of his game. As usual JBL sucks. Disappointing ending with the DQ and all. However I did love it when JBL was put through the roof of his limo. 8 out of 10.Chris Beniot vs Randy Orton. Match of the night. This match proved to me that Orton deserves the belt (although Beniot is my favorite wrestler). Unbelievable performance by both men. Surprised that Orton got the clean win. 10 out of 10.

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