WWE In Your House 13: Final Four
WWE In Your House 13: Final Four
NR | 16 February 1997 (USA)
WWE In Your House 13: Final Four Trailers

The Rock defends the WWE Intercontinental Championship against Triple H. The Nation of Domination battles Goldust, Flash Funk & Bart Gunn. "Wildman" Marc Mero vs Leif Cassidy. Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker, Bret "The Hitman" Hart and Big Van Vader battle in a Four Corners Elimination Match for the vacant WWE Championship and so much more!

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1st Match: Marc Mero vs Al Snow. This first match is literally better than the entirety of "Souled Out", I wish I was joking, but I'm not. Both guys do a good job, and they do a lot in under 10 minutes. A good way to get the crowd into the show. Rating: 3.5/52nd Match: The Nation of Domination vs 2 Cold Scorpio, Goldust, and Bart Gunn. The crowd's into this one good, granted the Nation was pretty unlikable. Again, for being less than 7 minutes, they do a lot here, all the faces hit their signature moves, it's just unfortunate that the match ends abruptly. Rating: 3/53rd Match: HHH vs The Rock, WWF Intercontinental Championship. Still weird for me to see these two facing each other before their signature gimmicks came out. The match is good though, you can really tell that Rocky had potential here. The ending is also pretty cool for Chyna's debut by attacking Marlena. Rating: 4/54th Match: Owen Hart and The British Bulldog vs Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon, WWF Tag Team Championships. Another solid match, the only unfortunate part is the DQ ending after some really good build-up. I guess it served as more of a break-up for Hart and Davey Boy than anything else, but LaFon and Furnas are impressive here. Rating: 3.5/55th Match: Vader vs Undertaker vs Bret Hart vs Stone Cold Steve Austin, Elimination match for the vacant WWF Championship. This is a brawl through and through. The crowd is white hot, and they should be, you've got three top guys facing each other here. The story going into this is pretty weak though. Michaels gave up the belt because of knee problems, giving the now infamous "I've lost my smile" speech in the process. I say infamous, because it turned out to not be true. The speech is good though, Oscar worthy. So Bret wins here, only to immediately lose to Sid, only for Taker to beat Sid at WrestleMania. A weird hot potato with the title, but this match is great. Vader gets busted bad right next to his eye, and all four guys do great work here. A great end to the show, and a great brawl for the belt. Rating: 4.5/5Final Rating: 7 out of 10. Funny how WCW was beating WWF in ratings, but putting out worse shows than this. Again a great example of quality over quantity.

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The Rock had an early PPV meeting with Triple H, a legendary ECW Tag Team took on a legendary WWE Tag Team and Steve Austin wrestled in his first ever PPV Main Event at this absorbing show that would prove to be one of the best In Your House PPVs ever.The Night started off with Marc Mero and his lovely off sider Sable defeat Leif Cassidy in a passable opener. Mero was starting to struggle in his WWE run at this point, while Cassidy would later find some success as Al Snow.Next up saw the unstoppable "Nation of Domination" Faarooq, Crush and Savio Vega defeat Bart Gunn, Goldust and Flash Funk in a decent match. The Nation were an early attempt at a major heel stable in 1997, but would later be demoted thanks to the success of the New Hart Foundation and DeGeneration X.Next saw the rematch between Rocky Maivia and Hunter Hearst Helmsley for the Intercontinental Championship. Rocky had beaten Hunter for the title not long before, and they have a decent match here. Rocky wasn't quite there as a performer at this point, and while Helmsley had some great matches later, he was still developing too. Rocky won and retained his title.Next up saw the former New Japan and ECW Tag Team of Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon fail to win the Tag Team belts from Owen Hart and the British Bulldog after their manager Clarence Mason got them disqualified at the end of a good match. Furnas and Lafon had some decent matches in the WWE, but never really got over and quickly moved on before the year was out.Finally came the main event with Bret Hart, The Undertaker, Steve Austin and Vader in a four man Battle Royal with the winner to named WWE Champion. The title had been won by Shawn Michaels at the Royal Rumble, but an injury to Michaels had forced him to forfeit the belt, meaning this match which was originally scheduled to be a No.1 contender's match became the title match instead. It was decided that the winner of this match put the title on the line against Sycho Sid, the man Michaels had defeated for the title, on RAW the following night. The match started fast and furious and had some great brawling. The Undertaker was in a rivalry with Vader at this stage, while Hart had been in a long and heated rivalry with Austin. Austin was the first man eliminated. He stuck around to cause trouble though and was responsible for Undertaker eliminating Vader a short time later, and also helped Hart get the win clotheslining The Undertaker over the top rope.Hart's fourth WWE Title reign would not be a long one, Steve Austin interfered in Hart's title match with Sid the following night and cost him the title. They would meet in arguably the greatest match of all time, certainly the best seen in North America, at Wrestlemania 13.

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For a 2 hour PPV its DECENT. There is nothing worth watching on the undercard besides the scorching tag team match,The main event is a real show stealer. This was a decent pay per view, only because of the main event and how it leads up to Wrestlemania. I would recommened this event just because of the main event but other matches are good on this card too!You should also check this video out to see when Triple H & The Rock first fought on PPV, its pretty good...if you want to see before they we're big stars! Vader is the star of the main event match in possibly his last great American match.

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Big Movie Fan

In Your House Final Four has a place in my video collection. I usually rent WWF videos and will only buy if they are really good events. Final Four was.Al Snow took on Marc Mero in a decent opening match whilst Flash Funk,Goldust and Savio Vega had a reasonable match with the villainous Nation of Domination.The last three matches were superb. Future WWF champions Triple H and Rocky Maivia had an entertaining match in which they gave 100 percent. Top tag teams Davey Boy Smith & Owen Hart and Furnas & Lafon had a pretty good match.The main event blew me away. It featured four of the WWF's top stars of the time engaging in a free for all match with plenty of action and plenty of violence.Buy this tape for the main event alone.

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