Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman
| 07 November 2011 (USA)
Wonder Woman Trailers

It's the modern day, and being Wonder Woman is complicated. Diana is leading a triple life - running a large corporation out of costume and fighting crime in costume in one identity.

Horst in Translation ([email protected])

Now I cannot say definitely if I had watched a series that could have followed this pilot episode, but I think all in all they did a fine job here. Adrianne Palicki was smoking hot in this one and she looked really fit too and ready for the part. And there are so many male-centered superhero television series now that I really would have liked a female-centered one. Maybe in future episodes they could have included enemies that would have been more of a match for Palicki's character, in terms of physical strength and combat abilities I mean. David E. Kelley came up with "Boston Legal", a show that I really love and I am sure he could have made this a decent show as well, even if it may only have been two or three seasons. Jeffrey Reiner has proved on "Friday Night Lights" and "The Affair" that he has decent talent. They got a pretty big name for the villain here in Liz Hurley and she was fine all in all, but they also could have cast lesser known actors. Really a pity that this project was not pursued. I recommend this 42-minute short film.

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I thought a while, how to grade this pilot. I went for 4 out of 10 with 5 as a production that is neither bad nor good - watchable. Here's why I gave it this grade: There is a lot of things people, especially male viewers, would like. There are some decent fight scenes, there is some decent acting and there are beautiful women. That's pretty much it. Elisabeth Hurley and Adrienne Palicki are stunning and they do know what acting is.Unfortunately these are the only qualities I could find in this production that would make the time spent watching this not entirely wasted. The character of Wonder Woman is significantly different from her portrayal in comic books and other TV series. While it doesn't necessarily mean it's bad this Diana just doesn't make much sense. On one hand we have a successful business woman, on the other lonely, delicate girl living alone and in the middle of this almost a psychopath killer. It's just like the main character has a split personality disorder. One might argue that the whole idea of having and alter ego is that those two personae have to be completely different, so that no one would uncover the secret identity of the hero. But that's not the case here. Wonder Woman in this show is publicly known so there is no need for hiding who she really is. And yet, while being Diana Prince she is lonely, heartbroken and gloomy watching TV with her cat - I think that is the true self of the main character since she doesn't have to hide anything from her pet. And in the same time in her Wonder Woman form she is ruthless, with no regard for law or human life. The most shocking scene for me in the pilot was when she pinned a man to a door with a pipe killing him and she didn't even blink. She even said to her cat, that it was a good day, because she got to beat up some bad guys as if not realizing she's just murdered someone. I'm not opposed to a new, darker, more morally gray hero, but the lack of consequence. It's almost as if different writers wrote different aspects of Wonder Woman's character and private life without reading what the other guys wrote. It just doesn't make any sense.Further more, what's the case with the lasso? A TV reporter stated, that Wonder Woman used her lasso of TRUTH to capture a villain. That means, her rope has the same properties as in the comic books - it can make every man tell the truth. Yet she still has to torture a guy she's just put in a hospital (!) to tell her anything? Why the h she did that when she just could wrap her golden string around him and ask politely? Maybe for her own pleasure - hence she really IS a psychopath.So, in my opinion, writing on this show sucks. It is poor and inconsequential. The CG is also not so good. The scenes where Diana flies her "invisible" jet are so static it just hurt my eyes to watch. But I guess that's the least important thing, although in a superhero show you wanna see some good SFX and cool stunts.So, the acting, cast, gorgeous women (Hurley and Palicky are just stunning as I stated before :)) and the action scenes are a big plus to the show.The writing, plot holes, character creation, special effects and essentially every thing except the few things mentioned above make a giant minus. Hence the grade 4/10. It's watchable but bad.PS. Is Wonder Woman even a superhero in this show? She can't fly by her own, she is strong but doesn't seam as strong as in the comic books (she has almost Superman level of strength in the source material) and her jest isn't invisible.

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Michelle Levine

If I was not a major WW fan, I'd still have been bored to tears with this mealy-mouthed whiny production, but as a Wonder Woman fan, I'm OUTRAGED!!! Wonder Woman is NOT Superman, nor Batman - she is not simply out for the pursuit of justice, as portrayed here. WW left her home (Paradise Island/Themyscira) to come to man's world to teach us to live in peace and harmony - thus she is always written as an uplifting and inspiring character. As David E. Kelley dresses her down, she is more depressing and disappointing than Rachel Mcadams in the Notebook, which we find her watching.Many writers have portrayed Wonder Woman over the last 70 years in the DC Universe - and all agree that Wonder Woman avoids needless killing at all costs, yet David E. Kelley paints her as a heartless killer. In FACT, Diana is so amazing partly because she never needs to kill, nor torture people for information, as David E. Kelley also has her doing. THAT IS WHAT THE LASSO OF TRUTH IS FOR. Kelley's ignorant writers have her using it as a sort of high-tech cowgirl lasso, for reining loose criminals in, when in FACT, the LASSO IS HER BIGGEST POWER - when inside the lasso, one is COMPELLED to tell the truth, and even to SEE THE TRUTH whereas before their own perspective was clouded. What if they invented a new Superman who couldn't fly? a Green Lantern with no ring? THAT IS WHAT THEY'VE DONE TO WW by making her lasso a flaccid toy. The magic of the lass of truth is part of WW's on-screen magic - but making magic is apparently something Kelley and his team oppose on principle.WW fans the world over have blasted her awful pants suit, and while it's hard to imagine an intelligent person approving that outfit, I wouldn't disqualify the show based on her poor pants and plastic bracelets/headgear alone. I've been looking forward to the new incarnation of Wonder Woman WAY too long for that. No, sadly the problem is the writing, the direction, and the casting of Wonder Woman herself. Palicki is pretty enough that i can see why they AUDITIONED her, but to cast her? She is a good enough actress for a sitcom, but not for an iconic role like WW. She played her very mainstream mundane with zero charisma...her under-acting in the hospital scene with Willis and her response to hearing about his passing were so off-putting that it's clearly director-error to not at least try to get some emotion into this brunette barbie-girl. Clearly Palicki does not have the BASE HUMILITY to watch a few Lynda Carter episodes, to understand the type of magic she should be bringing to the production. Palicki belongs on Gossip Girl or One Tree Hill...not in the league of superheroes! If fans get our due and Whedon redoes this, he should bring back the original WW theme song, but rebooted, and play it for dramatic effect during a press conference that builds energy - this whole thing was so lacking in energy it almost put me to sleep. NOT the way you want to feel after watching A PILOT episode.

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Fair enough, as a bloke in his late thirties I admit it's probably impossible anyone would be able to totally fill Lynda Carter's red boots as Wonder Woman for me. However when I saw the pictures of Adrianne Palicki in the outfit I laughed.And several months later when I had finished laughing I decided to check out the pilot. Turns out I had been a bit unfair on Ms. Palicki for, although no Lynda,for me she is the best thing about this pilot.Let me rephrase that - for me she is the only good thing about this pilot. Oh, O.K. the action isn't bad.But the rest is just really really depressing. The dialogue is truly awful,the plot terrible, the supporting cast stinks. I'm not a major fan of David E Kelley so I expected to have to put up with people banging on about the law a lot (they do). What I wasn't prepared for was Wonder Woman's total disregard for the law. But the thing is this isn't the character of Wonder Woman that anyone - anyone - would recognise.I had never seen Adrianne Palicki before but thought she had both presence and charisma.I suspect I shall see her again in the future. And with the success of the Avengers re-igniting talk of Wonder Woman on the Big Screen, maybe best for all concerned we just pretend this didn't happen...

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