Windy City Heat
Windy City Heat
R | 12 October 2003 (USA)
Windy City Heat Trailers

A man caught up in the glamor of being a Hollywood celebrity has no idea that the production he's in is a fake.


I'm going to be brief. One night I woke up around 11pm or after, the TV was still tuned in to Comedy Central, and Windy City Heat was on TV. This was the premiere on Comedy Central. I glanced at the TV because it was on when it's usually off, and the moment I realized what I was looking at, and what was going on, I could not go back to sleep. I was laughing so much my girlfriend remembers me watching this movie while she was having her sleep interrupted. I wanted to see it again but it was no where to be found.i wanted this movie so bad, just to watch it again, I scoured the Internet and found someone had it on eBay. This was months later, and the movie wasn't even on disc at the time. Someone else knew how good of a movie it was and capitalized on it. Sorry for not being brief.

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I love nothing more than a practical joke, and this one is an extended, caught on film masterpiece. I first caught this gem on Comedy Central years ago and have have wanted more ever since. Well, we get more. Don, Mole, and Perry now are putting out the "Big Three" podcast (free on Itunes)-basically just as another vehicle for them to mess with Perry. There were points I was unconvinced that Scary Perry is real, but after hearing the guy on a weekly basis now, I'm sold. On the podcast as well as the movie they play Perry like a fiddle. And you don't feel one bit bad for him. He is such an obnoxious arrogant character, it makes the jokes at his expense almost guilt free. And Don and Mole keep them coming! Every scene in this movie is either a joke on Perry or the set up to one. While it is completely ridiculous, I have to give Windy City Heat 10 stars because I can not watch any scene in this movie without giggling like a maniac.

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I would say this practical joke was cruel, if it seemed to have actually fooled the butt of the joke; Perry. But the "reveal" of the joke, which is hidden in the special features, proves Perry is not surprised in the least. There are arguments over whether this is "real" or not. But, I'm mainly concerned with how aware Perry is of the joke. Either way, it's a failure of a "practical joke." Either he's aware of what's going on, which negates any gotcha aspect, or more dubiously he isn't, and it's just plain mean.Aside from awareness, Perry proves a boring lead, and costars like The Mole--a terribly unfunny, watered-down version of a Jim Breuer caricature of a stoner--are lame and unbelievable. Simply, the whole practical joke is so unconvincing, that one would have to be far stupider than fall-guy Perry, to actually fall for the prank.

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Didn't see the televised prank on Perry, but heard all about it. What Jimmy Kimmel didn't know when he chose Perry as his easy target, is that the real Perry Caravello has qualities that Jimmy Kimmel would kill or die for...: Perry was physically beautiful, funny, witty and popular - he loved punk-rock and skateboarding. Perry was was in a head-on car collision with a person who entered the freeway from an off-ramp. Perry slipped into a coma after the accident and didn't wake up for months - when he did, it was a miraculous moment, however Perry showed signs of major brain-damage - he wasn't the same, didn't talk or walk the same and was very child-like. Since the accident happened in high school most of us were too selfish to remain friends with the "new" Perry and he spent most of his time in his mother's care - until she died. Now Perry has no one to protect him and it is sad to see that the bullies discovered him and decided to put him into the Gladiator's arena so that we can watch him fight a losing battle against the pathetic rodeo clowns of t.v.

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