White Angel
White Angel
| 15 April 1994 (USA)
White Angel Trailers

Ellen Carter's career is on the rocks. She hasn't written a worthy novel since her husband went missing and she was suspected by the police of murdering him. To top it all off, she has reason to believe that her new tenant Leslie Steckler is the serial killer responsible for a number of deaths in the region. But what she doesn't know is that, in the meantime, Steckler has discovered a little secret about her...


RELEASED IN 1994 and directed by Chris Jones, "White Angel" (aka "Interview with a Serial Killer") stars Harriet Robinson as a writer in England who hasn't written a novel since her abusive husband "went missing." A new tenant (Peter Firth) arouses suspicion that he's the 'White Angel' serial killer, a murderer who's said to be a white blond woman. Catherine Arton plays her friend and Don Henderson a nosey inspector from Scotland Yard.This is a pretty good serial slayer flick with capable acting and a fairly interesting story. You can see where it's going, but there are a couple of surprises. Incredibly, the actors and the writers make you sorta care for the deranged-but-'normal' murderer. It also cogently expounds on the concept of justifiable killing.THE FILM RUNS 96 minutes and was shot in Gloucester & London, England. WRITERS: Geneviève Jolliffe & Jones.GRADE: B/B- (6.5/10)

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Struggling novelist Ellen Carter (a fine portrayal by Harriet Robinson) suspects that her mysterious new tenant Leslie Steckler (an excellent and serenely creepy performance by Peter Firth) is a serial killer who has murdered over a dozen women. Director Chris Jones, who also co-wrote the absorbing script with Genevieve Jollifee, relates the engrossing story at a steady pace, firmly grounds the premise in a totally plausible everyday reality, makes the most out of the claustrophobic flat setting, and spruces things up with several snazzy stylistic flourishes (the frequent use of black and white is especially neat). The top-rate acting by Firth and Robinson holds the picture together; the tense battle of wit and wills between their characters is gripping throughout and culminates in a deliciously ironic surprise ending that packs one hell of a strong punch. Firth makes for a genuinely chilling psycho whose deceptively calm, quiet, and pleasant demeanor masks his scary capacity for extreme brutal violence. Moreover, there are sturdy supporting contributions by Don Henderson as the pesky Inspector Taylor, Catherine Arton as the sweet and chipper Mik, and Caroline Staunton as Steckler's shrill emasculating wife. Jon Walker's slick cinematography gives the movie an impressive glossy look. The rattling score by Harry Gregson-Williams hits the shivery spot. A real sleeper.

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When you can feel your heart beating faster while you're watching a thriller, you know it has done its job! Apart from some questionable plot devices (does it really take entire MONTHS for computers in London to get a positive fingerprint match?), "Interview With A Serial Killer" is a compelling thriller that makes the most of its small budget and benefits from unusual storytelling techniques and two excellent performances by Harriet Robinson and Peter Firth; they both (and especially the former) look and sound like real people, not like standard movie creations. To get an idea of how good this movie really is, try comparing it with the somewhat similar American thriller "Where Sleeping Dogs Lie", which was made one year earlier, with a larger budget and much more "name" stars, including Sharon Stone. "Interview..." easily comes out on top. (***)

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A claustrophobic thriller set in suburbia, the film is centred on the shifting relationship between a serial killing cross dressing dentist and a writer. The killer correctly guesses the author murdered her abusing husband (who's been missing for three years) and rents a room in her house. Once installed he blackmails her into writing his biography.I found the plot engaging, with weaving plot strands involving the police, a retired gangland thug, an ex lodger, and a very slow fingerprint computer search making a surprisingly good story. And I didn't see the twist at the end coming.I knew the film cost roughly as much as family saloon to shoot, so expected something much more basic than 'Urban Ghost Story' - the production team's latest film. Although I felt the lack of budget showed in the limited locations and set dressing, this contributed to the tense atmosphere and quirky British feel (a bit like the 'Young poisoner's handbook' but less glitzy). Overall it's a quietly confident production which entertained me throughout. I enjoyed it more than Urban Ghost story (which for me failed to deliver a satisfying conclusion) and would recommend it. I believe there are several versions of this film out there - the version I saw is shortly to be released in America under the title 'Interview with a serial killer'.

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