Western Religion
Western Religion
| 09 October 2015 (USA)
Western Religion Trailers

The year is 1879. Gunfighters from the far reaches of the globe descend on Religion, AZ to compete in a legendary poker tournament. Drawn by the gold prize, the players come to realize that in this game, their very souls are at stake.


Sometimes you can't believe that you sat through a whole movie and this is one of them. Religion is a fine example of the contempt that many Movie/TV execs have for the viewing public. Religion is a prime example of how a script written in a drug induced haze, thrown together quickly using no name actors, cheap sets poor acting, and even worse direction can still get airtime. It felt strangely Canadian. The high point in it, funny enough, was the flamboyant performance of the quirky character of Salt Peter who seemed more out of place in a western than any of the other weird characters.

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Joe Mills

I think this can be best described as a good effort. The acting is terrible, how some of these "actors" got their jobs I'll never understand. They shouldn't ever even perform in a commercial. Other than the, at times, terrible dialogue though, writer and director James O'Brien actually does a good job. The soundtrack is decent and flows nicely along with the plot. The premise is good though I really wish it had a better budget to get the best out of it. Mostly it's the awful acting that brings my score down. I think it's a shame really. If you're bored and you like Westerns I'd recommend you give it a go, despite my problems with the lack of talented actors it somehow managed to hold my attention till the end. So it can't be all bad.

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The film surprised me by starting off as a shoot 'em up, then gradually transforming into a spiritual film. Without giving too much away, the group of gunfighters, charlatans, harlots, and occult types that gather to compete in a poker tournament in an old mining town, gradually realize they are in a battle for something more profound. The movie has a peculiar fable-like feel, in that you can take what's happening on a surface level, or read more into it if you make the connections. There is a stylized aspect to it, which includes the performances, from the gunslinging madame Bess and her carpenter suitor Bobby Shea, to the Clint Eastwood like Preacher Saint John and the carnival barker Harvard Gold, who runs the town. There's some compelling mystical types, too, such as the Ben Kenobi-like Indian who guides one of the half Indian gunfighters, and a magician/trickster named Raven, who may or may not know alchemy. But the performances that drove this home for me were Anton Stice, played with creepy mystical perfection by Claude Duhamel, and the hilarious dandy Salt Peter, who had me in stitches. This is the kind of movie you can watch many times and get something different from it with each viewing.

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Firstly i acknowledge that the film is a very low budget one so i had low expectations of it. Most of the lines from the actors are very flat, no passion and generally it gives me a taste of a school play Then the scenes are just to short, and changing like a slideshow which made me think that this movie has some unwanted details in it and could have been 25 minutes less of running timeThen you have characters like the host presenter getting excited by himself, and people just clapping for no particular reason, which was quite pointlessIn addition i do not think that homosexuals were dressed and used to act in such an obvious manner at that time like they present in the movie, nor they would be treated like the movie shows, lets not forget is 100+ years backNow the story its just average, without it being something special but if there is nothing else to watch and you are not sleepy you might as well watch i..but do not pay for it.

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