We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook
We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook
| 30 November 2014 (USA)
We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook Trailers

A documentary promoting the theory alleging that the Sandy Hook incident was a hoax designed to increase popular support for gun control.

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We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook (2014) ** (out of 4)I love documentaries that cover conspiracy theories. The best known theories out there usually take on the JFK assassination and to more recent times the 9/11 terrorist attack. It seems that there are a very large group of people who believe the government was behind Kennedy's assassination and that the government staged 9/11. It seems the up-and-coming theory centers around the school massacre at Sandy Hook Elementery.Look, I'm not here to judge the filmmakers on the morality of what they're doing. If you believe Sandy Hook happened then you're going to look at the conspiracy theorists as a bunch of slime that are causing more pain to the loved ones of those who were killed. If you believe Sandy Hook was staged then I'm sure you're going to use this documentary to back up your claims.The only thing I'm doing here is judging this film. As a film, I personally thought it was mildly entertaining but there's really nothing here that makes me believe the entire thing was staged. There are some interesting things brought up here but I've yet to watch any conspiracy video that didn't have at least one interesting thing. For example, Connetuicut passed a law to where death certificates, crime photos and other items can't be released to the public. Was this done because the fake Newtown massacre was in the works? Or was it just a coincidence? Every conspiracy video has you asking questions like that. The problem with this movie is the fact that they really just don't say too many interesting things in its nearly three hour running time. Yes, we're given some clues and shown "evidence" but I personally didn't find anything here as credible proof that the government staged this. I personally didn't see a reason and especially since our guns weren't taken away, which seemed to be some people's biggest reason to think it was staged. Plus, with all the people needed to pull off a hoax, don't you think something would have slipped out there to give more proof that this was staged?

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Dave Mann

A model for real investigation. The smug elitists who sneer at "internet bloggers" - are in for a wake-up. We are indeed living in the greatest, most sophisticated tyranny in all History. Total psy-op, 24/7 and wall to wall lies. But with loyal efforts like this one, there is hope. It's time for each of us to shoulder up to the challenge we face. Spread this documentary far and wide - along with the Boston, Ottawa, Sydney, NYCPD officers "shot", Boston,etc, etc. It's indeed all fake. It may be a cliché, but the hour is getting late my friends. US capitalist imperialism bent on World Conquest, World War - they know the need to control the home front. That's us - rats in a psycho experiment. Choose a side.

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I want to thank all the producers for the time and dedication. This documentary is very well made, it contains a wealth of information and it all can be verified on the internet. There is absolutely no speculation, just facts. Just give it 2 hours of your life and you will be amazed. It may be shocking to find out that everything you knew and believed about the government is a complete lie. That we live in times where elaborate hoaxes with paid actors and complicit media is the norm. This documentary will change the perception of how people think and will start questioning the official story not only of Sandy Hook, but many other false flag events and government psychological operations such as the JFK assassination, 9/11, Boston Marathon Bombing, chem trails, Aurora theater shooting, and many others.

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In our society we are told we have the right of free speech. There are always many sides to any story. This side needs airing. Watch it. Ask questions. What does it say about US if true? The official report is only one side. Why are there so many unanswered questions. Ignorance won't help. There are many who would have this video removed. Why don't they want the American people to know more?Watch it ands share. I think it is disgusting that the movie keeps getting removed from many sites. I have followed Sherri for years and she is not a kook. She does enjoy studying what is wrong in America. She has shared much helpful advice free for years . You can see here featured first in the movie.

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