| 25 January 2002 (USA)
Waydowntown Trailers

Four young office workers have a bet going to see who can last the longest without going outside. In the maze that is the downtown core of a large city, glass skywalks connect apartment buildings, office towers and shopping malls. Its day 28 of the bet and over the lunch hour, as the office prepares for the company founder's retirement party, things start to seriously unravel.


I liked this movie a lot. I mean, we all know it's not incredible. But it is quite entertaining and witty. It's one of those movies I like to fall asleep to every night.Also, I'm not sure if anybody else realized this goof, but in the elevator at the beginning, Tom asks Randy for some of his bagel. In the following scenes, they switch positions. It's possible this was intentional because of some mirror in the elevator, but I don't think so. To add to this, lots of characters have extremely purple lipstick on, especially the men.I'd enjoy making sweet, sweet love to Sandra, by the way. I'm not gay or anything but Tom is really hot for a guy. I wish I looked like him.E-mail me if you'd like to discuss this movie or others like it at [email protected]

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This is one of those film school reject affectations by a director who should know better. Blurry insipid images show a world that really isn't that interesting about people that really don't matter. A real time waster. I wouldn't be reviewing it if so IFC and Sundance weren't hyping it so much.

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Morgaine Swann

I'm going to be honest. I saw Fab Filippo on Queer As Folk and wanted to check out some of his other work. Yeah, he's gorgeous, but that isn't the only thing I liked about this movie. It's so funny, and so well done that it has become one of my favorite indie films. If you've ever had to work in a cubicle and felt like a rat in a maze; if you've ever had co-workers you were sure would be starring in a hostage negotiation; If you've ever let someone continue to call you by the wrong name because it's just easier, WayDownTown is about YOU. The bet that these 4 co-workers have undertaken requires that they stay indoors for 24 days and counting. Their voluntary confinement combined with that all-too-familiar daily grind has resulted in a wicked sort of "mall buzz". Tom (played to absolute perfection by Filippo) carries the movie along with running narration that we hear as he tries to multi-task while stoned. He runs into an assortment of difficult people and to make matters worse, he's starting to hallucinate. The head trips he's pulled on the other 3 involved in the bet are taking full effect and we gradually watch them all come unglued in situations that are funny because of their familiarity. The movie does a great job of making one day run into the next, just like real life. What color is his tie? What color is her sweater? Wait wasn't he wearing a blue shirt? The colors in the movie are used to enhance the stifling artificiality of the office and the attached mall. You won't be able to resist trying to figure out who the Bradley in your office is...

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i saw this movie at the WI film fest in madison, which was the midwest premier, complete with the director there for comments and questions after the movie....anyways, although i heard some noise about how the movie was was basically Office Space and Fight Club mixed. This ended up not to be the case. With a great storyline, excellent acting, and nice color, this movie was quite entertaining. Oddly enough, the movie was filmed on DV, yet it doesn't show TOO much after the conversion to film. definately worth it.

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