Walking Tall: Lone Justice
Walking Tall: Lone Justice
R | 25 September 2007 (USA)
Walking Tall: Lone Justice Trailers

In Dallas, witnesses against a drug-lord are murdered in a safe-house.The testimony of FBI agents becomes the only chance to keep him in prison. They are lodged in another safe-house, but the place is invaded and the agents are executed. However, Kate is only wounded, and her boyfriend Nick believes there is a traitor in the agency and takes her to his ranch to protect her life.

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A second straight-to-DVD sequel following on from WALKING TALL, a remake of a '70s action flick starring Dwayne Johnson. Kevin Sorbo had already appeared in a first sequel, which I haven't seen, but this one has a stand-alone storyline which is unconnected to the previous movies.In essence, it's a typical low budget action movie, very similar to the kind of stuff that Steven Seagal is making these days. Kevin Sorbo is the just, upright hero who falls foul of a sinister drug lord and his gang of ruthless dealers. People are killed, Sorbo kicks a little ass (including during one of those ultra-predictable scenes in which he stumbles upon a convenience store robbery) and it all builds to a showdown between the good guys and bad.In terms of quality, it's very much par for the course. I like Sorbo, have liked him since the days of HERCULES: THE LEGENDARY JOURNEYS, although it's not something I regularly watched. He seems like a genuinely nice guy, and that counts for a lot in my book. Of the supporting players, nobody really stands out, but the pace is good and there are some set-pieces that work, like the lengthy hospital interlude or a surprisingly nasty bit of torture.A big detraction from the film is the direction, which is absolutely horrible. Director Tripp Reed seems to equate style with shaking his camera all over the place, doing frenzied editing at all stages to boot. It doesn't work, it's an unnecessary detraction and really the only thing wrong with this movie; I can overlook the clichéd plot and characters, but not that direction. I cringe just thinking about it!

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Kevin Sorbo is an ex-sheriff who must protect his cop girlfriend, Kate(Yvette Nipar)and her daughter Samantha(Haley Ramm)from drug-dealers she is set to testify against. What Kate or other federal agents will have to contend with is a dirty cop, Doug Maxwell(Mark W Johnson)on Latino gangster Perez'(Rodrigo De la Rosa)payroll. When the hoods almost kill Kate after their safehouse is invaded because of Maxwell's betrayal, Sorbo's Nick Prescott will hide her and Sam at his Boone County, Texas farmhouse, awaiting the next possible attack, prepared to do whatever he can to protect them from harm. While I think Sorbo is actually more appropriate in a Walking Tall movie than The Rock, this action movie suffers from an epileptic camera and badly angled shootouts. Too many movies have adopted the "24" approach to shooting action sequences, or simple dialogue scenes where the camera can not stay still or even contain characters in focus without moving constantly. It all becomes more than a bit aggravating. Still, I liked Sorbo in the lead, but there's nothing he can do when his director isn't able to control an impulse to shoot every single scene with an erratic camera. The villains would seem to be lifted from a Walker-Texas Ranger episode.

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Bob Moony

This movie is just another average action flick, but it could have been so much better. When the guns come out they really needed some choreography help. Someone like Andy McNabb - who made that brilliant action sequence in Heat as they move up the street from the robbery - would have turned the dull action sequences into something special. Because the rest of the film was alright - predictable but watchable - better than you would expect from this type of movie. Then came the final scene, the show-down, the one we had been waiting for, but was like watching something from the A-Team in the 80s. They shoot wildly, nothing hits, and they run around a house trying to kill each other - same old, same old.

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winnie christofer

Went to watch this movie expecting a 'nothing really much' action flick, still got very disappointed. The opening scene promised a little action with a tinge of comedy. It keeps you hooked for the first half coz till then you are expecting that now its time for the action to kick in. Well, nothing of that sort happens. The movie drags and the ending just thumps you down to a point that you get annoyed.Wonder what was the director thinking. Made no sense watsoever. The movie lacked in all aspects, had no real storyline and it seemed very hollow, even if "Rambo" was in it, I don't think he could have helped the rating at all. There is simply no logic to the movie. A perfect way to waste your time and money. By far the most irritating movie i have ever seen and i am sure there will b others who'll have the same viewpoint after enduring it. Definitely not for people who have a little movie sense left in them.

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