Here we have the very first of three Violence Jack movies and at 37 minutes, this one here by Ichirô Itano is also easily the shortest. Like most other anime, it is based on a comic. The film is known under 2 titles, namely "Harlem Bomber" or "Slum King". Of course, these are the English titles and in favor of IMDb's spell checking software, I will do without the Japanese original title here in my review. The original language of these slightly under 40 minutes is Japanese too, so you may want to try a dubbed version or subtitles unless you speak the language. This definitely not the kind of anime you want your kids to see, lots of nudity and sex, rape even, lots of violence too and graphic sex scenes, but also sensual at times. But the style fits the story here and that's why I give the overall outcome a thumbs-up. It's no real greatness and I am not really curious about parts 2 and 3, but anime lovers can sure check it out. I personally liked the Mari/Ken love story and escape story more than the one about the title character in this post-apocalyptic destroyed world, but that's subjective of course. Anyway, if you like Japanese animation, then give this pretty old work a go. It's had its 30th anniversary already last year.
... View MoreMy 1/10 mangaupdates review for the manga but the 3 OVA's are direct adaptations: This Slum King is well documented already and Bennett The Sage did not even review the equally abhorred ova which is banned in Australia/Germany when he reviewed in for real so you know what to expect. Just look at (my) categories and know that cannibalistic futanari rape (yes that is a sentence) is a thing and not the worst part of the manga. Dick slicing and then devouring, child rape and.. are in it too with no further meaning to back them up so this is basically gore porn only. The first few volumes were published as shonen so that is just lovely, the art is meh at best, the continuity and tone make no sense, the cameo's are a disgrace and i hate these characters already so let's stop. One day a group will unleash the entire thing on the world but i had my fill a decade ago. Till then you will have to imagine the fire or RUN FOR YOUR LIFE/SANITY. Berserk reigns supreme on the other end of the spectrum and only his Dante Shinkyoku (8,5/10) and to a lesser degree Mugen Utamaro (7/10) should be read but both are also adaptations. Amon - Devilman Mokushiroku (6/10) is the only part of the Devilman(4/10) mythos i can give to other people without fearing a lawsuit btw. Fun fact: Sho Aikawa wrote the ova's for V.J. and the ones for Urotsukidōji too. He also wrote most of the first FMA anime so that puts it's misguided gecko ending in perspective doesn't it?
... View MoreThe second Violence Jack OVA (Though it was the first one to be released in the English version) It is also the most infamous one, and for very good reasons: Apparently somebody thought that the previous OVA of Violence Jack, "Harem Bomber" (The third one to be released in the English version) was too tamed, so more graphic violence and explicit depictions of rape were added, resulting in something in something very unpleasant to watch.While the animation of "Evil Town" is slightly better than one from "Harem Town", this anime is so nasty that it doesn't have any kind of entertainment value. It's incredibly sexist (Portraying men as rapists monsters and women as helpless victims that are unable to do anything by themselves) and misanthropic, and also there are lots of scenes that doesn't make sense (Why Mad Saulus transforms into a demonic being after he performs his act of cannibalism?) This was a horrible anime, which I prefer to forget.
... View MoreThis movie was so boring. It was your typical anime boring crap, filled with satanism, female nudity (But almost nothing of Male nudity, that's why it sucks) ugly designs, a stupid plot and boring and bland characters.This show was so stupid and boring, that it was completely worthless.There wasn't any single good thing about this, everything about this show sucked.This movie is pretty lame, even for anime standards. Unless you are an anime fan, don't waste your time seeing this crap.What a stupid movie, and what a waste of time. This sucks hard
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