Village People
Village People
| 16 August 2013 (USA)
Village People Trailers

Urho Kaleva Kekkonen, the long-time president of the Republic of Finland, is scheduled to visit Alli’s Bar on his way to northern Finland. He is blindly worshiped and the nearer the visit draws, the more envy, competition and dirty tricks come to bear in this small town setting. No one is spared the brutality!


It is about the mentality of the people up north. They sure put a smile on our faces. Thick headed villagers, as they are, each of them filled with rather flaws than attributes. A group of champions of understatements and the movie is celebrating this rather unromantic shortcoming with a pulled back and understating tone. A true understatement fest, in other words.The movie opens with a creative visual language that is just awesome. However, after a few minutes in we abandon that and what catches my attention the most from now on is the hard weather conditions-thorn-real-outdoor locations. Until the final act again surprises with the kind of magic you pay money to see. I think the movie makers want to give us the opportunity to get to know people from this part of the world and hang out with them. That won't hurt anyone. You always learn something new.

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