Unseen Evil 2
Unseen Evil 2
R | 05 July 2005 (USA)
Unseen Evil 2 Trailers

After a series of brutal, unexplained murders in a remote forest, a rogue military unit is recruited to hunt for whoever - or whatever - has rendered the attacks. In order to carry out the investigation, they need the help of the only survivor, Kate. But first they have to get her released from the mental institution she's been confined to since the horrific attack. Written


Summing up the movie is easy: everything is worse than amateur work. The camera/perspective is all wrong, you always get the impression of cheap/badly made independent movie and the actors are waaay too bad.It is funny how Lorenzo dies (we couldn't believe it the first time we saw it :) I mean, he should be the feature in the movie, but he appears in 3 or 4 scenes and I bet he has less than ten lines in the entire movie!), how everybody dies! And the ending is just hilarious(this CGI part sucks sooo much, even i could have made better UFOs)! We have a good story implemented in such a way that after a few minutes you wish you never rented/downloaded it! treasures, aliens, curses... blah! Everything lacks consistency and it all looks like a bad dream :) ALthough, I do recommend watching this "thing" just to see how far others have made it! This is 1st grade work :)

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First things first. The Monster on the cover art is not in the movie, it is not even a decent facsimile.Now on to this watchable piece of turd B midnight, one too many beers special.The gore was funny and way way over the top. The CG blood was surprising good even in slow-mo. Watching Lorenzo Lamas(wearing the same clothes as in "deep evil"..these must have been made back to back) getting cut in half was worth the 10 bucks I paid for this...Hilarious. I would not be surprised if they spent 1/2 their budget of about 3.00 bucks on the gore.The acting topped out with Lamas and went down hill from there, if you know his work then you can pretty much put together the quality of the acting based on what you think of Lamas.I laughed and smiled though most of this piece of visual bubble gum.If you like your B movies silly, fast paced and pretty gory, try this one.

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One of the worst films I have or ever WILL view. Highlight was the nice topless scene in the first 2 minutes, then all downhill from there. Previous reviews are correct. They use model helicopters that I could probably photograph and make look more real than the movie did...OMG, I was laughing, it was so funny. But it's supposed to be a "scary" movie and here I am splitting a gut over the cheap props....explosions that my kids can simulate easily. The entire storyline is an utter insult to one's intelligence. For example, we're supposed to believe that Lorenzo and his military buddy JUMP FROM THAT TOY HELICOPTER WITHOUT PARACHUTES AND THEY BOTH WALK AWAY? Are you kidding me?Some of the special effects remind me of the late 60's early 70's cartoon series, "The Thunderbirds," where puppet like characters and buildings were supposed to look "real" but there is no way they were actually real. The only thing that kept me watching to the end was to see how much worse it could possibly get...and trust me, it did. From concept to plot to storyline to acting to special effects, this has got to be in the running for all-time bomb of all time. Heck, if they had used a bomb as big as this movie against that alien, he would have died on the first hit. This screenplay unfolds A LOT like my own first attempt to write an original creative story...oh, did I mention that it was a 6th grade project? DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, BAD MOVIE APPROACHING! DANGER! DANGER!

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Before I begin my review of this film, I'd like to point out some interesting tidbits about the film. Firstly, the cool monster shown on the box art is from the film "Breeders". Secondly, this creature doesn't even appear in film. Third, according to IMDb this film is a sequel to "Unseen Evil", which I have not seen (though based on what I saw here I'm not sure I want to anyways), but I rented this under the title "Alien 3000", a title which has no relevance to the film. Anyways, this masterpiece has a bunch of foul-mouthed and stupid "soldiers" from the "Paranormal government research agency" (good to see our tax dollars hard at work) going into a remote mountain range to look for missing soldiers. What they find instead is a blood-thirsty creature capable of turning invisible (I didn't sense any "Predator" vibes while watching this one, no sir!), which begins killing them off one by one. If you're looking for a B movie with cringe-inducing dialog, horrid production values and deliciously awful special effects, you've rented—or, Lord have mercy on you're soul, bought—the right movie. Everything about the film is cheap and laughable. The special effects, as one would imagine, are the funniest aspect of this film. The alien creature is brought to life by a combination of hideously bad CGI and a slightly less awful man-in-a-suit, either way it looks stupid and cheesy. The miniatures are among the worst in motion picture history. The toy helicopter, the remote controlled Ford F-150 pick-up (substituting for a Jeep pick-up in non-effects scenes--I love how the makers even left in real-sized shrubbery just to make it look worse), and the explosion of the "Paranormal research" headquarters were all so pitiful that I was laughing until tears blurred my vision. The gore effects were unimpressive but abundant, and as another viewer mentioned, the splitting-in-two of a character's head was especially bad. I'll give the film credit where credit is due—the lead actress, Megan Molloy, Was very good, and deserves better roles than this. Everything else is bad--but entertainingly so. Highly recommended for fans of crappy movies.1/10.

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