Ultimate History Of The Boeing B17 Bomber
Ultimate History Of The Boeing B17 Bomber
| 01 January 2006 (USA)
Ultimate History Of The Boeing B17 Bomber Trailers

The B-17, the legendary 'Flying Fortress', was designed on the theory that a tight bomber formation packed with defensive guns could defend itself. Later models had as many as 13 machine guns, which protruded from the hull on all sides. In practice, as so often happens, little remained of the pre-war ideas. Because not all pilots were equally skilled, the formations often fell apart, after which Luftwaffe fighters shot the stragglers out of the sky one by one. This program shows rare color images of the design stage and construction of the B-17 and, through archive images, provides an extensive report of the mighty Boeing's operations over war-torn Europe. A prominent role is also reserved for the beloved Sally B, one of the last flying B-17s and the star attraction of many air shows.
