Triumph of the Will
Triumph of the Will
| 28 March 1935 (USA)
Triumph of the Will Trailers

A showcase of German chancellor and Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler at the 1934 Nuremberg Rally.


The Term "Propaganda" did Not become a Pejorative until After WWII, before that it Simply was a Descriptive, more akin to Advertising.For this "Infamous" Movie, the Negative Connotation Reigns mostly because of the Nazis and Their Actions "Documented" during WWII. There is certainly a Manipulative Texture to the Presentation Produced by Hitler/Leni Riefenstahl. To Show Adolf Hitler and His Party in the Best Light Possible.This was Not the Great "Sin" that it appears Today. Although there were Hints of Brutality, Xenophobia, Bigotry, and other Vices employed by the "Party", nothing approaching the Holocaust and other Atrocities committed by the Nazis that would come to be synonymous with "Evil" were so Obvious at the Time.The Film is more of a "Record" of the "Spell" that the Nazis and Hitler had over the German People in 1934, and not Without Reason. Hitler's Accomplishments concerning the Economy and the General Escalation of Germany's standard of Living Pre and Post Hitler are Well Known. He was "Time" Magazine "Man of the Year".This Film was made at the Cusp of Power for the Nazi Party. Some of the Hints of Things to Come are here in Speeches, like Hitler stating that the Nazi Party should be the "ONLY" Party in Germany, for Example.Powerful, Ground Breaking, Mesmerizing, and Undeniably Ahead of its Time, the Film is Truly a Testament to Filmmaking and its Emotional Effect on the Viewer. The Attempt to Capture the Time and Place of the German Political and Social Zeitgeist of the Mid-1930's is Invaluable.Viewed in an Historical Retrospect it can be seen as a Frightening Foreshadowing of Media Manipulation, not to mention, a "Snapshot" of the "Calm Before the Storm".

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Hail NAZI , HAIL ARYAN RACE, HEIL Hitler, HEIL FUEHRER, HAIL SCHUTTZSTAFFEL, WE ARYAN RACE ARE THE TRUE AND JUST RACE IN THIS WORLD AND WE SHALL REIGN THROUGH OUR Righteousness, THOSE WHO ARE FOOLISH ENOUGH TO STAND IN THE WAY OF A TRUE WORLD, SHALL BE PERISHED BENEATH OUR IRON WILL TO MAKE RIGHT THE WRONGS OF THIS WORLD, THROUGH ATTRITION OR DECISIVENESS WE SHALL DESTROY ALL THE ENEMIES OF THE NAZI AND FUEHRER, AND SHALL MAKE A NEW WORLD WITH THE BANNER OF SS HANGING AT THE TOP OF IT AND COVERING EVERYTHING IN IT !!!!!!!!!!!The Triumph of will is an actual and living Proof of the Nazi Greatness ! the Power that Third Reich wielded and the Good and Just cause that they were using that power for !!! Let those who gaze with hatred to the truth i am preaching, be Blinded by the Light of The Nazi's Benevolence and Power. The people Know it, the World Knows it ! We Aryan race, the race of Just and powerful are the true Inherits of the God's Land and we shall reign with Justice and Honor and clean the World of the Taint that Israel and America, are covering it with, the taint of Evil Worship, the Taint of Abominational Sexualities and bi-sexualities , the taint of corruption in cultures and concepts of just and right and Godly ! we fight for the Justice and Power of the Creater, the God ! let those who cant bear my words downrate this Review or even remove this !! but The Right Words will always find their way to the ears of those who can hear !!! Hail Nazi , Hail Schutzstaffel , Hail Aryan Race !

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After watching the first time entirely Leni Riefenstahl's Triumph of the Will, I wonder why it is considered a major work of cinematic art. It's boring, to me it extremely boring to watch stupid speeches and endless marching and blank facial expressions. The fact that some parts (they are what always displayed when trying to convince how talented Ms. Riefenstahl was ) of the documentary are skillfully filmed, does not save the awfully long, boring whole, and those parts don't last many seconds. Of course, it is propaganda, but I would have thought that the Nazis would have been able to do better. Such trash would have convinced only the true believers. Well, perhaps the Nazis were no longer in 1934 needed better propaganda, but, I wonder, whether the true believers were able to watch the film without felling asleep.

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Crafted with rigour, shot with astute vision & resonating an undeniable power throughout its runtime, Triumph of the Will is arguably the most powerful propaganda piece of all time that presents the ideals of Adolf Hitler & his Nazi party in such a clever manner that it convinced the German civilians that their nation is destined for eternal glory if they put their faith in the leadership of the Führer, and is also a celebration of Germany's revival as a great power.Triumph of the Will chronicles the Nazi Party Rally held at Nuremberg in 1934 where some of the most infamous Nazi leaders give their speeches in front of 700,000 Nazi supporters. The whole picture is filled with images of Nuremberg, multiple scenes featuring countless troops rallying through the city's streets, various moments that capture the public reaction and rally speeches, all repeated several times over the course of its 114 minutes of runtime.Directed by German filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl under the orders of Adolf Hitler himself who wanted to reach the masses through a movie that would capture the ideals of his party and influence the civilians to join & support his cause, Triumph of the Will provides a calculated view of National Socialism for the only thing its leaders keep talking about is restoring their nation to its once-mighty status & reviving the nationalist spirit in every German citizen.There is no explicit mention of the numerous atrocities Nazi would later perpetrate during the Second World War and in most ways, the documentary succeeds in painting a positive portrait of National Socialist Party. Each frame brims with strong feelings of patriotism, the wide shots of massive troops formations serves as an inspiring reminder that Germany is powerful once again and the profound effect of Hitler's speeches cannot be understated.Triumph of the Will also features politics of the highest order. It beautifully exhibits just how easily public will rally its support to the party's cause if they can manage to create a perfect illusion. Using the humiliation Germany was subjected to after World War I to his advantage, Hitler's speeches make relentless use of religion, power & unity to instil the German pride in every citizen and by delivering on previous promises, easily succeeds in earning their trust & services.The infamous documentary is also influential for a number of innovations it brings into the world of filmmaking, both in its use of camera & music. Sitting through the picture however is a tedious experience for it becomes repetitive very soon and stays on the same level for the rest of its runtime. The propaganda element works only on looking back & in more ways than one, it's a documentary that captures what possibly was the true state of Germany in the 1930s.The most memorable thing about Riefenstahl's direction, apart from her technical mastery over all aspects of filmmaking, is the strong psychological pull she's able to generate just by those ingeniously photographed images. From the outside, Triumph of the Will appears as an immensely boring documentary in which similar set of events unfold in loop form for the majority of its runtime, but it also manages to seduce its viewers into admiring as well as believing in the Nazi propaganda.It's astonishing that this film still retains a certain level of its potency despite being 80 years old which makes me wonder just how persuasive it must have been for the German public back in 1935. It sheds a completely different light on Hitler & his party and while it isn't an enjoyable experience by any means, it's bold, powerful & evocative nonetheless. Significant for its contribution to cinema & illustrating a vital segment of human history, Triumph of the Will captures the irrefutable power of cinema like no other example, before or after.

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