R | 02 September 1988 (USA)
Transformations Trailers

Wolfgang is traveling in outer space when a monster, which he sees as a beautiful woman, appears in his spaceship and makes love with him. Then the ship is forced to land on a planet which is a penal colony. Here he meets Miranda who falls in love with him. A group of prisoners uses him and his spaceship to fly away from the planet. But the monster which is by now inside Wolfgang arouses and only Miranda's love can save him.


A jobbing character actor like Patrick Macnee probably couldn't have afforded to be too picky when it came to work in the 80s, but he really should have said no to his pointless role in this piece of garbage, a Charles Band produced sci-fi/horror that is surely a career low-point for all involved.Apart from the sets, which were recycled from other slightly better films, pretty much everything about this film is cheap and nasty; but worse than that, it is extremely boring—hard to believe with a crazy plot that features a sexy space succubus who infects the film's hero with a deadly STD, causing him to turn into a sex-mad, slime-covered monster.There is some gratuitous female nudity during the bump 'n' grind scenes (which is always nice) and we even get a little gore towards the end of the film, but with much of the film consisting of dull conversation between characters, and nothing in the way of decent scares or action, this is very hard going. I'm a fan of Z-grade movie-making and, over the years, have developed a high tolerance for the worst kind of rubbish, but this turgid mess really tested my patience.

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"Transformations" is one hell of a bad film.Mitch Brian's script manages to rip off "Aliens" and "The Fly" with truly hilarious results.Rex Smith transforms into a mutant following a night of passion with a seductive succubus.Mayhem ensues when he lands on a nearby prison planet.As this was one of Band's last productions to be made at Rome's Empire Studios/Cinecitta,some of the sets in the movie are surprisingly expensive.Unfortunately the monster looks absolutely pathetic.The special effects range from ludicrous to gross(boils on skin).There is a particularly nasty organ-yanking scene near the end,but it can't save this horrible mess.Give it a look,only if you like sleazy grade-Z trash cinema.3 out of 10.

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Joseph P. Ulibas

Transformations (1989) was one of those sleazy poverty row sci-fi flicks that came out during the mid to late 80's. A stupid bohunk "looking for love in all the wrong places" picks up some space trash and gets more than he ever bargined for. Yes, even in space you can pick up some of the strangest "social diseases". Cheap special effects and bad acting make this one a total loser. It would be a complete waste of time trying to describe to you how terrible this movie is! I saw this movie late one night and I wish I've never had. Movies like this almost killed my taste for watching cheesy movies. Let us pray that this movie never sees the light of day. One can hope. Not recommended. F-

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There is nothing redeeming about this film. First you have to get past the fact that the main character looks exactly like Barry Manilow. Then try to ignore the bad acting-and even that is boring. I can usually get a laugh out of it, or at least the cheesy effects, but here it just seems like a bunch of robots bump into each other on screen for about 90 minutes. Forget the plot-this movie is about Interstellar STD's. One last question: Whose 12 year old kid designed the sets?

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