Threat of Exposure
Threat of Exposure
| 07 November 2002 (USA)
Threat of Exposure Trailers

A man poses as a hypnotherapist's patient to find the truth about his missing brother.


I'm not a big comment contributor. I just had to with this.This movie was so pathetic on so many levels, I scarcely know where to begin.Plot – filled with holes and contrived.Acting – I expected better from Devane and Young,perhaps even they couldn't bring life to such poor character development. The other actors are unknowns and their acting is on par with a student film.Normally I would not have finished the DVD, but it got to the point where I had to continue just to see where the lame plot would lead. How surprised I was to find that it lead nowhere but through some hoops.

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This movie is sexy. This is a great movie to rent if you're going to spend a night at home with your boyfriend. Sean Young is so beautiful. The sex scenes are very hot. It also has good twist and turns. Definitely keeps you guessing until the very end. I didn't figure it out.

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As a plotline, the writer had a good idea, but the end result is a big old Stink Bomb. There are no likeable characters in this movie, bad acting even by veteran Sean Young and the props used were rather funny at times. Look for the woman in the door way holding the shotgun, at the end of the scene as she backs into the house, you see that the barrel isn't just plugged, but a solid piece of steel.The last 3 minutes of the movie are the best, wrapping things up in an intriguing way. Too bad there wasn't more of that throughout the film.Darren and Becky

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Control got lost in the opening sequence. Gratuitous sex and violence could have been a great opening but the writer/director leaves too many gaps. There is no character development between the leads (Shaub and Young) and when, after a few therapy sessions, Shaub announces his love for Young, it is completely unbelievable.Wm. DeVane's character as Shaub's domineering father could have been the crux of a pyschological thriller. In fact it is wasted. Attempts at plot twists don't work because key ingredients are missing.Even small details, like the leads fighting, making up and then drinking cheap red wine in crystal goblets?The movie moves at glacial speed. The photography is good and includes some rarely seen footage of Kansas City - a great site for future films.

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