The Yacoubian Building
The Yacoubian Building
| 01 June 2006 (USA)
The Yacoubian Building Trailers

Cairo: a 70-year-old building of once-luxury flats with tenements on the roof. Zika, an aging libertine, feuds with his sister. Pius Haj Azzam takes a second wife, in secret, to satisfy sexual drive within religious bounds. Bothayna, poor and beautiful, supports her family, wanting to do so with dignity intact. Her former fiancé, Taha, the janitor's son, humiliated by the police, turns to fundamentalism. Hatem, a gay editor, seduces and corrupts a young man from the sticks. Two brothers, Copts, one a tailor and one Zika's factotum, connive for property. Allah is on most everyone's lips, and corruption is in their hearts.


You don't have to be well-versed in the history of Egypt to appreciate the Yacoubian Building, but it might make for an even richer viewing experience. At times tender, shocking, sweet, brutal, light-hearted and deadly, deadly serious, The Yacoubian Building offers insights into what it means to be an Egyptian. It's a collision of the old world with the new, and the sadly the old seems filled with regret, pettiness and corruption and the new seems filled with anger, despair and religious fervor. It's especially illuminating viewing given the conflict and cultural upheavals occurring in the Arab Spring (though set before it) but, lest it sounds too heavy, this well-crafted movie is a poignant, meaningful look at lives intersecting in the fading splendor of the once grand building, and apt metaphor for Egypt, it would seem. New lovers meet, old lovers part, familial bonds are tested, cultural mores and religious attitudes are explored and questioned, and the human condition is laid bare. As a westerner, it was difficult to see the way women were/are treated in the movie, but there was hope and dignity underlying it all — it's unclear if that extends into reality, but I like to hope so. The movie is based on a book of the same name that is now on my Goodreads --

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Imagine when the bestselling novel(Alaa el Aswany's Yacoubian Building) in the middle east is made into a movieWith an adaptation made by "Wahid Hamed"(the best screen writer in Egypt), and starring actors like :Adel Imam, Nour el Sheriff, Yousra...etc. , And the rising director and highly recommended "Marwan Hamed" which was his first movie. And let us not forget the huge budget that was set for the movie(about 22 million Egyptian pounds). All those elements were gathered to present a movie that was supposed to be a worldwide award winning movie or let us say a highly artistic movie. Unfortunately that wasn't enough!, all what I've seen in this movie wasn't so special, nothing spectacular, although the issues this film dealt with were hot and controversial for the Arab world I felt nothing.The movie talks about Egypt in the 1990's through yacoubian building which was supposed to be luxurious building in the past and still until now but not as much as in the past where some characters whom you can really see in our society, like Zaki el Desouky who's a 60 year old playboy who lives in yacoubian building with his sister in the same apartment and they are always fighting and yelling each other, Zaki also misses how this country was clean and beautiful even more than European countries he is also astonished about what's going on in the society when El Haj Azzam who used to polish his shoes one day owns half of the stores in his neighborhood now and lives in the same building with him, and is a part of the Egyptian parliament!! While el Haj Azzam takes advantage of the economical situation of a young widow whom her husband died in Iraq and marries her secretly because of some sexual need, he also enters the parliament to protect his dirty business.We also see the homosexual editor in chief of a french newspaper in Egypt "Hatem Rashid" who seduces a villager soldier, we see how this guy lives secretly in a society that cannot bear such a direction and how he reacts towards teasing from others about his homosexuality and the huge guilt the villager soldier "Abd Rabbo" feels due to his religious beliefs.There's also "bousaina" who loves "Hassan" her neighbor and they cannot afford to get married, after the dreams of "Hassan" of becoming a Police officer were gone because of his social level, they separate and select different paths in life; he becomes a religious extremist and she uses her body to get what she needs in life. This is a brief summary of the movie which dealt with a lot of characters without you being really sympathized with them!, despite the good acting the movie needed better adaptation, you feel like it's talking about a lot of things but they don't really touch you, most people in Egypt were impressed by the sparkling names of actors and the controversial issue the movie failed to discuss, I think this movie was a heavy load for "Marwan Hamed" as his first experience he didn't show much of a special vision and couldn't manage the script his father wrote,other big names could have done this project and make a huge difference. watching this movie isn't a 100% bad idea it's a chance for those who don't know much about Egypt to take a look about what's happening in there but it will not satisfy them as a film.

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Chris Knipp

"They" say it's overly faithful to the bestselling novel by Alaa Al Aswany which I have not read. . For Egypt, Yacoubian Building is the most expensive film ever (quotes vary). Director Hamid was 28 when he made it and is the son of the screenwriter who did the adaptation. The film is an ambitious and promising if under-edited piece. Perhaps it ought to have been in parts like Marco Tullio Giordana's The Best of Youth/La meglio gioventù, to which it has been compared. But instead it's a somewhat sprawling 172 minutes and feels at times like a smashed-together telenovela.Hollywood Reporter says the film may "offer a revealing window into the secular world of a modern Islamic country -- its indulgence in alcohol, sexual promiscuity, political corruption and personal betrayals. From such 'deformities, the movie argues, Islamic fundamentalism gains its most passionate adherents." But we can do better than this crude analysis. Moroccan-born ,western educated novelist Laila Lalani points out the book (and consequently the movie) is full of prejudices against gays, resembles the old "large-scale melodramas" produced by Egypt's "huge film industry," with their "young idealists, desirable ingénues, old predators, and so on," and is crudely moralistic -- with almost every character forced to make choices that "ultimately result in either their downfall or redemption." It's also full of heavy-handed emotional manipulation, cliff-hangers, and so on. Alaa Al Aswany is no Naguib Mahfouz. Aside from the prejudice against gays, we're told that mixed marriages produce confused children, that all women love sex enormously, and so on. It's important to realize that however engaging the film is and notable the actors are in the Egyptian film world, it's made out of dross, not gold.The titular Armenian-owned, Twenties Yacoubian Building in the once elegant, restricted central zone of the city "became home to Cairo's rich and powerful when it opened," Lalani writes. After the revolution, however, "storage sheds on the rooftop were rented out to poor families--a sort of sky-high slum." This allows for a story about the building's residents that spans society. The action is set in the 1990's. And the basic panorama goes something like this:In the foreground is Zaki Bey El Dessouki, or "Zaki Pasha" (Adel Imam), a superannuated playboy kicked out of the family apartment by his mean, half-crazy sister. He may seem seedy, but he's the house aristocrat. Fanous (Ahmed Rateb) is his faithful manservant. Dawlat (Essad Younis) is his nutty, vindictive sister, who has always resented his fun loving ways and not is out to get him. Hatem Rasheed (Khaled El Sawy) is a gay editor who takes a good-looking soldier Abd Raboh (Bassem Samra) .from the country as his lover. Rasheed isn't mincing, but he reflects an Egyptian discomfort with gayness; still, he's seen three-dimensionally. He likes dark Nubian men because they remind him an early experience with a family servant. The film's treatment of the sexual aspect of Hatem's relationship to the soldier feels like something made in the 1950's. In general sex is a burden for the people in this movie, either a risky temptation or an ordeal. It gets nasty, and then the camera shrinks away.Haj Assam (Nour El Sheriff) is a self-made millionaire (through a chain of stores selling modestly-priced women's clothing) with political ambitious. wants to get into the People's Assembly (Majlis al Sha'ab) for access to power. He takes a penniless young widow with a young son, Soad (Somaya el Khashab), as a second wife and forces her to have an abortion. As Lalani puts it, Assam "is the nouveau riche to Zaki' Bey's aristocrat." The brothers Abaskharon and Malaak (Ahmed Bedire) are Coptic Christians who save every penny they make, by legal and illegal means, in order to finally afford a room on the roof.On the roof are Taha (Mohamed Imam)and Buthayna (Hind Sabry). Taha is the son of a bawab. A bawab is a doorkeeper, more like a concierge or a super in New York rather than "janitor" as it's translated. With such a lowly father, Taha is turned down by the police academy as not socially adequate to become an officer, and adopts a "plan B," to major in political science, which leads him to sympathy with the university religions fanatics and he eventually becomes an Islamic fundamentalist. His girlfriend Buthayna leaves him when he becomes religious and eventually she goes to work for Zaki, who's reformed and treats her well. She's previously been sexually harassed in every job she's had -- as we're shown in a lurid scene. Perhaps she feels too defiled to be worthy of one so innocent and decent as Taha, and she seems hardened A reader has pointed out that she is much poorer in the book than here. Laila Lalani says, "Egypt's young men are easy preys to religious extremism while the country's young women are victims of sexual exploitation." Taha is imprisoned and given Abu Ghraib treatment that de-islamicizes him. To get revenge, he trains as a terrorist -- a chain of events that looks frighteningly up-to-date.The film has little details any Cairo downtown resident will know -- like Zaki yelling angrily because another resident has left the door of the antique elevator open on their floor so no one else can use it. Though this isn't Naguib Mahfouz, like him it attempts to draw a richly representative picture of a whole society. It's a rather sad picture with its disapproval of the present and nostalgia for the past.. And again, despite the three or six million dollars spent, some exterior sound is awful, the wrong kind of lens is used to pan up and down the city buildings, and some of the Islamicists' beards look pasted on. But with all that's going on, it holds your attention.Shown as part of the San Francisco International Film Festival 2007. Earlier in the year one of the Film Comments Selects series at Lincoln Center, New York.

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A triumph You have to do the Hat trick For the three Actors Adel Imam The one and only who remain on the top for years And the outstanding performance by the superb actor Khaled El Sawy You can add also Ahmad Bedeir for his excellent role But Writer-producer Waheed Hamed (who also is the director's father) treats the novel with too much reverence. His script indulges in much minutia and repetitive action. But the acting is strong, and his son's control of story, characters and visual imagery makes this an engrossing, highly watchable old-fashioned melodrama. For the Egyptian movie industry which produces a retarded movies for retarded audience such as Bo7a I'll give this one 10 out of 10

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