Incredibly stupid decisions start driving the movie after the first 30 minutes. What's worse than a by-the-numbers plot? A script insisting that its characters are so stupid, it makes you wonder how they survived that long in the first place. Never mind whatever context or culture the story is supposed to exist in; this is as unworthy as movies can get.
... View MoreUseless movie and waste of time.. It has no idea with a very poor performance and poor editing with the use of poor video editing technics like all fire scenes. The voice is not clear at all even for Arabic language speakers. The accent of the actors was varying between Syrian Jordanian Iraqi and Emarati. With the use of unnecessary bad words.
... View MoreIf you avoided seeing ISIS videos on internet, you will be forced to see it all in this movie. It has collected all the disgusting ways of killing in less than 100 minutes. And for no clear objective. All the main characters are named after prophets. Very brutal ways of murdering, the director meant to have some projections on reality but the ideas are all missed out, you never know what he is indicating for and why. It should be +35 and with warning: not for the faint-hearted. The effects are good at some areas of the movies but so funny at other areas example: when Mussa is shot. I would love to give it good review but really it disappointed me ad all my friends. It would be good if the new movies could talk to the minds rather than senses and emotions
... View More"Don't forget the standing ovation" joked director Ali F Mostafa as he introduced the world premiere of his film 'The Worthy' at the 2016 London Film Festival. He may not have received that, but there was definitely warm applause from the audience at the end of his dystopian thriller.You've seen the basic plot in countless other films: a group of people hiding from the horrors of the outside world are picked off, one-by-one, by a hidden enemy. What makes this film different is it is from the United Arab Emirates: this reviewer tends to think of Arab films as mostly featuring villagers fretting about dried-up wells or similar - in short, unlikely to appeal to Western audiences outside of the filmsnob festival circuit. But the Saturday night multiplex crowd would find much to enjoy in this offering.The film is very atmospheric: the survivors are holed-up in a derelict aircraft factory, which provides a pleasingly grim backdrop to the action. There are some inventive fatalities (death by water tower!) and the stock characters are all present and correct: handsome hero, feisty female, creepy bald loner... it is also nice to see Arab women given action heroine roles.On a deeper level this works as a read-across to the real-life Middle East's experiences with the Taliban, Daesh, etc: self-important factions fight it out while ordinary citizens are caught in the middle. But it is also a thrill-a-minute ride with a good explanation for why the attackers do what they do: as the final survivor strides off into the sunset, I could not help but hope their story is continued in a sequel.
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